Wedding Attire Update

10 Days until the wedding!

Time is run­ning out and we’ve resort­ed to plan B:

Kate wears this.

What do you think?


Total­ly Jok­ing! This well endowed dress was con­coct­ed at my sis­ter’s bridal/lingerie show­er . It was too fun­ny to not share with you!

This activity/game was so much fun! I high­ly rec­om­mend it to any­one throw­ing a bridal show­er (espe­cial­ly for the seam­stress­es out there)!

News­pa­per Wed­ding Gown” Rules: 

Split the par­ty into 5 teams. Each team cre­ates one piece of the dress: skirt, bodice, train, sleeve or veil. Each team has 10 min­utes to cre­ate their piece. Extra points for being cre­ative with your choice of news­pa­per arti­cles or words.

Can you guess who won the challenge?

Team Bodice took the win! And since I’ve yet to fin­ish Kate’s wed­ding top- Kate may walk down the aisle with her lace/silk skirt and news­pa­per top 🙂

kate August wedding dress mock up 2 for marusya marusya
Sec­ond Wed­ding Dress Top Mock-Up

Mak­ing the Top/Blouse

My sis­ter made 2 requests for her top: (1) Cov­er her shoul­ders and (2) Reusable (She can wear it again!)

Sounds easy- right? Well, this  request is a bit tricky and has added extra work/time to my already very tight schedule.

From the start, we began work­ing along a fine line between casu­al & ele­gant. I think cre­at­ing her wed­ding dress with sep­a­rates (and using dif­fer­ent shades of white and ivory for the fab­rics) added a touch of casu­al from the begin­ning. So when I cre­at­ed my first mock-up for the t‑shirt/top, the top made the dress look far too casu­al and did not fit the occa­sion (at all). (It had to much ease and the sleeves were too big.)

Above you can see the sec­ond mock-up. (Yes- The sleeves are set-in poor­ly! But, it’s only a mock up and I need to cut cor­ners if nec­es­sary!) I am still not hap­py with this top. The set-in sleeve (the sleeve you see in the pho­to) make the attire look casual.

kate August wedding dress mock up 2 for marusya marusya

I slight­ly ripped the top, so that Kate could push the sleeve­less strap slight­ly off the shoul­der. We agreed this small cap sleeve (with no set in sleeve) looked more ele­gant. Below are some oth­er examples/options we are look­ing at. Shop these pat­terns here.

K3790 Kwik Sew Pattern
K3790 Kwik Sew Pat­tern (Asym­met­ri­cal neckline)
K3676 Kwik Sew (Top Portion)
K3676 Kwik Sew (Top Portion)

Moth­er of the Bride Dress Update

This week I’ start­ed the moth­er of the bride dress! To make things eas­i­er for myself, I chose to make her a dress using Bur­daStyle Mag­a­zine’s pat­tern.

I love these Euro­pean pat­terns and thought it would be fit­ting to use them for my sis­ter’s wed­ding! I chose a sim­ple shift pat­tern with slant­ed darts. (See pho­tos below)

Burda Style Dress Pattern 2013
Bur­daStyle Magazine

So I trans­ferred the pat­terns to poster board and cre­at­ed my mom’s first mock-up!

mother of the bride dress for august wedding mock up for marusya marusya
Take out about 3/4″ on each side

mother of the bride dress for august wedding mock up for marusya marusyamother of the bride dress for august wedding mock up for marusya marusya

Despite the few adjust­ments to the pat­tern at the sides and  neck­line, I was very pleased with the mock-up!

I could­n’t wait to get start­ed on the final cut and dress, but unfor­tu­nate­ly (and of course) there was a prob­lem and hur­dle to jump! I did­n’t have enough silk wool! I was about five inch­es too short when I laid out the pieces! Oh boy- I was not hap­py! There was no way I would be able to dri­ve up north for more fab­ric nor will­ing to pay for expe­dit­ed shipping!

Silk wool mother of the bride dress mock up marusya marusya pattern

I test­ed dif­fer­ent lay­outs and noth­ing worked.

I even thought about chang­ing the dress to pan­eled princess seamed dress in hopes to use the small­est about of fab­ric pos­si­ble. But before I was about to change the pat­tern, I dou­ble checked to see what I had in my fab­ric stash. Luck­i­ly, I found a bag of 2 expen­sive silks I bought in New York City last win­ter at Mood Fab­rics. I had them stashed away for a gown I planned to build. One of the silks is almost iden­ti­cal to the col­or of the silk wool! PHEW! (How­ev­er, I will have to change the plans for the gown I intend­ed to build.)

Silk wool and the silks I found stashed in my closet
Silk wool and the silks I found stashed in my clos­et. The 2 silks to the left will be the ones used for the dress!

This is where I’m cur­rent­ly at with the moth­er of the bride dress. Though I am not pos­i­tive, but it is like­ly I will use the silk from New York City as a hor­i­zon­tal strip along the bot­tom of the skirt. I guess you will have to wait and see what I end up doing! 🙂

Next Post: Revised Maid of Hon­or Dress Sneak Peek & the sto­ry behind the sec­ond dress (actu­al­ly skirt and top)

Marusya Marusya Maid of honor dress floral print for ukrainian wedding
Port­fo­lio pic­ture snapped of the (1st intend­ed) Maid of Hon­or Dress before I change it!

2 thoughts on “Wedding Attire Update

  1. Karen

    Mary Grace, I love all the detail and time you’re putting Into the wed­ding! You’re an awe­some sister/daughter! Btw I know you men­tioned that the print of your dress was a lit­tle too strong but I think it looks great on you!



    1. marusya

      Thanks Karen! Yes the print has grown on me, but my 2nd plan is even bet­ter and more special 🙂
      Hope all is well!


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