Do It Yourself Wedding Flowers

Bride in Ukrainian Embroidered dress holding DIY wedding bouquet

Couture dressmaker shares her story of making her Do It Yourself wedding flowers, bouquets, and boutonnieres with Flower Moxie's wholesale bulk blooms during Covid.

Ukrainian Embroidered Blouse Plaid Dress

Ukrainian Embroidered Girls Blouse

Pic­co­las Col­lec­tion Shop Chil­drenswear Fall Clothing We saved the best gar­ment for last. The final piece of the 2018 Pic­coalas fall col­lec­tion is the hand embroi­dered blouse/vyshyvanka. It is a white linen bohemi­an style blouse with black and navy authen­tic Ukrain­ian embroi­dery. The blouse can be pur­chased on the web­site here: Ukrain­ian embroi­dered blouse Cus­tomers can cus­tomize the col­ors and embroi­dery design. Please email Mary Grace if you are inter­est­ed in...

Bridesmaid Dress Progress: Excitement and Discontent

how to sew your own bridesmaid dress

Post­ed Sep­tem­ber 9, 2013 Part of the Katie’s DIY Wed­ding Series Floral Bridesmaid Dress Pat­terns: McCal­l’s 6518, Sim­plic­i­ty 1606 Nee­dles Bro­ken through this project: 1 I could­n’t wait to  get start­ed on this project!  Every week that I saw the fab­ric lay­ing next to the oth­er fab­rics, I itched to get start­ed pat­tern­ing, cut­ting and sewing! I loved the col­ors with all the oth­er fab­rics, jew­el­ry, shoes, and threads!  Below we...

Independence Day Shirt

Skill Lev­el: Easy Sup­plies: 1 yard red striped knit fab­ric, 1 yard of blue knit fabric Serg­er Scis­sors Card­board paper Sil­ver paint and paintbrush Male Body block pattern Step 1: Mak­ing the Sil­ver Stars -Lay­out the blue knit fab­ric over newspaper -Cre­ate a star sten­cil out of cardboard -Paint sil­ver stars on the blue fab­ric using the stencil  Step  2: Use a men’s knit body (bodice) block pat­tern and trace (using an...

Sewing Pillows with Cording

how to sew pillows

Pub­lished 1/13/2014 Recent­ly,  I fin­ished these col­or­ful dec­o­ra­tive pil­lows for a friend. The fab­rics I used were an embroi­dered polyester/cotton for the body and brown vel­veteen fab­ric for the out­er piping. Once I began cut­ting and sewing, I  was on a roll and thought I’d start and fin­ish the pil­lows in one night (maybe 2). But after fin­ish­ing one the pil­low cov­ers the first night & stuff­ing them with the...

Silk Tulle Wedding Veil & Choosing Your Wedding Veil Fabric

English French Netting Long Cathedral length Wedding Veil White with lace

Wedding Veil Silk I was recent­ly com­mis­sioned to make a wed­ding veil. Pri­or to this order, I didn’t know very much about veils and I cer­tain­ly didn’t real­ize there were so many options and design pos­si­bil­i­ties. (It is so involved that you may want to decide upon a veil style and fab­ric before you buy or design your dress!) Let’s dis­cuss the options available!  __________________ ILLUSION TULLE The inex­pen­sive veils are made with...