Independence Day Shirt

Skill Lev­el: Easy Sup­plies: 1 yard red striped knit fab­ric, 1 yard of blue knit fabric Serg­er Scis­sors Card­board paper Sil­ver paint and paintbrush Male Body block pattern Step 1: Mak­ing the Sil­ver Stars -Lay­out the blue knit fab­ric over newspaper -Cre­ate a star sten­cil out of cardboard -Paint sil­ver stars on the blue fab­ric using the stencil  Step  2: Use a men’s knit body (bodice) block pat­tern and trace (using an...

Dropped Waist Pleated Navy Sailor Dress with White Collar for Girls

Best sleeveless navy girls sailor nautical dress with white collar, tie, drop waist pleated skirt, and gold buttons for Memorial, Independence, and Labor Day

I was recent­ly com­mis­sioned to make this navy and white sailor’s (nau­ti­cal) dress for a girl.  Dress Details: Navy & white 100% (thick knit) polyester/rayon textiles Func­tion­al but­tons down the cen­ter front (hid­den by tie) Tie attached to the dress Pleat­ed and dropped waist skirt 4 gold anchor buttons  (Wash with cold water and dry flat) Shop the dress on Ana­gras­si­a’s Etsy shop: