Dreaming Florals: Past, Present & Future

floral silk dress woman

Pub­lished 2/12/2014 I admit I am slight­ly obsessed with flo­ral prints. This may seem strange, since I rarely wear prints or colors. If you were to peek into my clos­et, you’d find neu­tral cloth­ing with small splash­es of col­or­ful flo­ral print­ed gar­ments! You might think­ing to your­self, “How come she wears col­or­ful flo­ral prints and not wear oth­er prints or sol­id col­ors?” Well, I think it’s because of my Ukrain­ian mother! I...

Silk Wedding Rehearsal Dress

silk wedding rehearsal dress

Blush Silk Wool Dress Pub­lished 6/23/2014 How many times have you gone shop­ping for that spe­cial dress and instead of find­ing the per­fect dress, you find mul­ti­ple dress­es wish­ing you could blend them all into one.Meet Lisa (then) bride-to-be that faced this dilemma.  When we met in May, she brought over sev­er­al white dress­es. Each dress had a fea­ture she want­ed, such as fab­ric, gath­ered skirt, skirt length, etc. But none...

Velvet Jacket for Beranger Gras

velvet men's jacket

Pub­lished 5/30/2017 One of my larg­er projects this year was also some­thing rather spon­ta­neous. I designed and con­struct­ed a jack­et for an up-and-com­ing musi­cian in Ger­many, Beranger Gras. I was excit­ed to work with Beranger because his music is a mix of clas­si­cal and grunge sounds. Not only is his style real­ly cool and unique, but his way of mix­ing and pair­ing the old with the new is what I...

Champagne Wool Coat

This high quality coat is real white leather and champagne wool with a color block design. The jacket is handcrafted for women. Inspired by NYC Saint Peter's.

Pub­lished 09/05/2018 I was in NYC last spring train­ing with a bespoke tai­lor. It was an incred­i­ble expe­ri­ence. I espe­cial­ly enjoyed vis­it­ing some of the old church­es dur­ing my free time.  I am going to share some of these expe­ri­ences with you through some new projects. Today I begin with: Cham­pagne Wool & White Leather Col­or Block Women’s Coat. This coat is influ­enced by one of my favorites, St. Peter Roman...

Ukrainian Embroidered Lace Dress

hand ukrainian embroider dress sewing

Khrys­tos Voskres! Christ is risen! Phew! Lent is over and true to tra­di­tion; I bare­ly fin­ished my annu­al East­er dress for East­er Mass. Every year at this time, I design and sew a Ukrain­ian inspired East­er dress. This year, I had trou­ble choos­ing between 4 dress designs. So by the time I nailed down a design and start­ed the embroi­dery, it was already half way through Lent. Blue Ukrainian Embroidered Dress A...

Life of a Dressmaker and Entrepreneur in 2018

Ukrainian Hand Embroidered Baptismal Christening White Blue Boys Gown; Tan Camel Beige Champagne Wool Cashmere Tailored Cape Cloak Coat Champagne Leather Block

Pub­lished Jan­u­ary 2019 The flow­ers of tomor­row are in the seeds of today -Proverb I will nev­er for­get 2018. It was a hard year. I grew in so many ways. Not that my dress size increased- but thanks to so many of you it didn’t shrink either. You quite lit­er­al­ly fed me through the year with help, advice, encour­age­ment and busi­ness. I will for­ev­er be grate­ful. Although I can’t pay you back...