Champagne Wool Coat

This high quality coat is real white leather and champagne wool with a color block design. The jacket is handcrafted for women. Inspired by NYC Saint Peter's.

Pub­lished 09/05/2018

I was in NYC last spring train­ing with a bespoke tai­lor. It was an incred­i­ble expe­ri­ence. I espe­cial­ly enjoyed vis­it­ing some of the old church­es dur­ing my free time. 

I am going to share some of these expe­ri­ences with you through some new projects. Today I begin with: Cham­pagne Wool & White Leather Col­or Block Women’s Coat.

This coat is influ­enced by one of my favorites, St. Peter Roman Catholic Church in Wall Street.

Its Greek revival archi­tec­ture makes the church unique from the oth­er church­es I vis­it­ed. Sim­ple and clean with its ivory/white mason­ry, the church was stun­ning; rev­er­ent and grand in structure. 

(Its web­site states that the “Greek revival archi­tec­ture of the church close­ly fol­lows the tra­di­tion of clas­sic mon­u­men­tal­i­ty, which is like so many of it’s pre­de­ces­sors in Rome.”) 

The church is in a per­fect loca­tion too. 

The large mar­ble stat­ue of Saint Peter with the keys next to Jose Vallejo’s paint­ing of the Cru­ci­fix­ion reminds the elites of Wall Street

that God has entrust­ed them with great skill, to be used to serve oth­ers as faith­ful stew­ards of God’s gifts. 

(Saint Peter’s is also the church where Saint Eliz­a­beth Ann Seton con­vert­ed to Catholi­cism and the first church Father Edward Fred­er­ick Sorin, founder of the Uni­ver­si­ty of Notre Dame, said mass in the Unit­ed States of America.)

I have long prayed for a fam­i­ly favorite — New York’s late Car­di­nal John O’Connor and have asked for his help on a num­ber of occasions. 

It was real­ly cool when the mass I attend­ed at St. Peter’s (ran­dom­ly with a friend) was said for Car­di­nal O’Connor! As they say there are no such things as coincidence.

This high-qual­i­ty coat is made of 100% cham­pagne and white wool with real leather cuffs. 

The but­ton is made of wood, inspired by Saint Peter’s wood­en pews which were made from trees grown along the Hud­son River.


champagne wool coat

It is designed for coura­geous and well-dressed women — 

who make (visu­al and finan­cial) state­ments when they sup­port inde­pen­dent design­ers & tai­lors (like me) who sell hand­craft­ed and high qual­i­ty garments.

This coat will go up for sale next week. There are dis­counts for return­ing Ana­gras­sia customers. 

(I will release more infor­ma­tion about pric­ing next week.) I plan to have more col­ors avail­able (Dark Brown and Dark Green) lat­er this fall. 


champagne wool coat

  Car­di­nal O’Connor’s grand­moth­er was Jew­ish, so I would like to end this blog post with a quote from a great Jew­ish author about the virtue of courage.

I am con­vinced courage is the rarest of all good traits. 

There are far more kind and hon­est peo­ple than there are coura­geous people. 

Unfor­tu­nate­ly, how­ev­er, in the bat­tle against evil, all the good traits in the world amount to lit­tle when not accom­pa­nied by courage.”

champagne wool coat

    champagne wool coat  white wool coat      white leather wool coat  champagne women's wool coat  Women's wool white coat

  Women's wool champagne coat

  champagne wool coat

color block wool coat

Women's champagne wool coat

  champagne wool coat

This high quality coat is real white leather and champagne wool with a color block design. The jacket is handcrafted for women. Inspired by NYC Saint Peter's. 

More pho­tos & WIP photos

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