Notre Dame Face Mask

couture face masks

Through the pur­suit of beau­ty we shape the world as a home, and in doing so we both ampli­fy our joys and find con­so­la­tion for our sorrows.”

~Sir Roger Scruton

Couture Floral Face Masks
How­ev­er, peo­ple who are suf­fer­ing from this par­tic­u­lar dis­ease with the help of lev­i­t­ra 20 mg only. lev­i­t­ra is said to be quite effec­tive. How­ev­er, it is silde­nafil uk buy main­ly effec­tive on a small group of Can­cer patients. So, we can say that auto­nom­ic neu­ropa­thy may lead to erec­tile dys­func­tion­To study the con­nec­tion cheap cialis overnight between the erec­tile dys­func­tion and auto­nom­ic neu­ropa­thy, a research was done by the sci­en­tists. The most dis­heart­en­ing thing out of all is that these drugs don’t tadalafil 40mg india view over here have a last­ing effect as they fail to dis­close about it in front of their lady loves. 

Hand Embroidered Face Masks

I recent­ly fin­ished a face mask for a grad­u­ate of the Uni­ver­si­ty of Notre Dame. The face cov­er­ing is hand embroi­dered (cross-stitched) with navy, Kel­ly green, and gold threads. I used an authen­tic Ukrain­ian embroi­dery pat­tern that resem­bled tra­di­tion­al Irish & Celtic designs using Fight­ing Irish colors. 

Shop here: Notre Dame Face Masks

Face Mask Notre Dame

My masks are not sur­gi­cal masks and I do not make any claims that they will pro­tect peo­ple from the virus. Stud­ies can’t prove that face cov­er­ings pro­tect peo­ple from catch­ing Covid-19, but experts believe they keep us from spread­ing droplets to oth­ers. With this said, my hand­made masks cov­er the mouth, but stay a bit loose around the nose. I do this so the per­son wear­ing the mask can get fresh air. Below, I post­ed pho­tos to show you how the masks fit the adult faces.

Notre Dame Face Mask
Floral Face Mask
Notre Dame Face Mask
Notre Dame Face Mask
Notre Dame Face Masks
Notre Dame Face Masks
Celtic embroidered face mask
slavic embroidered face masks

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