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Champagne Wool Coat

This high quality coat is real white leather and champagne wool with a color block design. The jacket is handcrafted for women. Inspired by NYC Saint Peter's.

Pub­lished 09/05/2018

I was in NYC last spring train­ing with a bespoke tai­lor. It was an incred­i­ble expe­ri­ence. I espe­cial­ly enjoyed vis­it­ing some of the old church­es dur­ing my free time. 

I am going to share some of these expe­ri­ences with you through some new projects. Today I begin with: Cham­pagne Wool & White Leather Col­or Block Women’s Coat.

This coat is influ­enced by one of my favorites, St. Peter Roman Catholic Church in Wall Street.

Its Greek revival archi­tec­ture makes the church unique from the oth­er church­es I vis­it­ed. Sim­ple and clean with its ivory/white mason­ry, the church was stun­ning; rev­er­ent and grand in structure. 

(Its web­site states that the “Greek revival archi­tec­ture of the church close­ly fol­lows the tra­di­tion of clas­sic mon­u­men­tal­i­ty, which is like so many of it’s pre­de­ces­sors in Rome.”) 

The church is in a per­fect loca­tion too. 

The large mar­ble stat­ue of Saint Peter with the keys next to Jose Vallejo’s paint­ing of the Cru­ci­fix­ion reminds the elites of Wall Street

that God has entrust­ed them with great skill, to be used to serve oth­ers as faith­ful stew­ards of God’s gifts. 

(Saint Peter’s is also the church where Saint Eliz­a­beth Ann Seton con­vert­ed to Catholi­cism and the first church Father Edward Fred­er­ick Sorin, founder of the Uni­ver­si­ty of Notre Dame, said mass in the Unit­ed States of America.)

I have long prayed for a fam­i­ly favorite — New York’s late Car­di­nal John O’Connor and have asked for his help on a num­ber of occasions. 

It was real­ly cool when the mass I attend­ed at St. Peter’s (ran­dom­ly with a friend) was said for Car­di­nal O’Connor! As they say there are no such things as coincidence.

This high-qual­i­ty coat is made of 100% cham­pagne and white wool with real leather cuffs. 

The but­ton is made of wood, inspired by Saint Peter’s wood­en pews which were made from trees grown along the Hud­son River.


It is designed for coura­geous and well-dressed women — 

who make (visu­al and finan­cial) state­ments when they sup­port inde­pen­dent design­ers & tai­lors (like me) who sell hand­craft­ed and high qual­i­ty garments.

This coat will go up for sale next week. There are dis­counts for return­ing Ana­gras­sia customers. 

(I will release more infor­ma­tion about pric­ing next week.) I plan to have more col­ors avail­able (Dark Brown and Dark Green) lat­er this fall. 


  Car­di­nal O’Connor’s grand­moth­er was Jew­ish, so I would like to end this blog post with a quote from a great Jew­ish author about the virtue of courage.

I am con­vinced courage is the rarest of all good traits. 

There are far more kind and hon­est peo­ple than there are coura­geous people. 

Unfor­tu­nate­ly, how­ev­er, in the bat­tle against evil, all the good traits in the world amount to lit­tle when not accom­pa­nied by courage.”






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