Ukrainian Bridesmaid Dress

Ukrainian bridesmaid dress

Pub­lished August 8, 2013 “Made in Honor” Dress The maid of hon­or dress for my sis­ter’s wed­ding ( tomor­row) will be extra special! The top por­tion of the dress was my babcha’s Ukrain­ian embroidery. After my babcha passed away, my aunt gave me some of my babcha’s unfin­ished embroi­dery. At first, I was torn on what I should make out of it. So I left the embroi­dery  aside until I was...

Sustainable Fashion Plaid Jackets, Solid Wool Cape, and Wool Leather Coats for Midwest Family

girls wool coats

What will the world look like in 20 or 30 years? Will peo­ple con­tin­ue to wear dis­pos­able cloth­ing? (The aver­age life span of a gar­ment is 3 years.) Will fast fash­ion com­pa­nies exist? Will the fash­ion indus­try con­tin­ue to be the #2 pol­luter in the world? These are the ques­tions being asked in the fash­ion indus­try right now. Not only are fash­ion com­pa­nies wast­ing mil­lions of pounds of unsold gar­ments...

Black Silk Gazar Ball Gown

black silk ball gown

Arti­cle pub­lished July 2019 SHOP THE DRESS HERE: SILK GAZAR BLACK FLORAL GOWN SHOP THE PURSE HERE: HAND EMBROIDERED LEATHER HANDBAG Floral Silk Gown Cristo­bel Balen­ci­a­ga is my favorite fash­ion design­er and arguably the most ver­sa­tile and tal­ent­ed design­er in mod­ern his­to­ry. Because of his tire­less sac­ri­fice, dili­gence and high stan­dards, he made our lives more beautiful.  I recent­ly watched a Youtube doc­u­men­tary and one fash­ion indus­try pro­fes­sion­al remarked, “For Balen­ci­a­ga, design­ing clothes was more...

Independence Day Shirt

Skill Lev­el: Easy Sup­plies: 1 yard red striped knit fab­ric, 1 yard of blue knit fabric Serg­er Scis­sors Card­board paper Sil­ver paint and paintbrush Male Body block pattern Step 1: Mak­ing the Sil­ver Stars -Lay­out the blue knit fab­ric over newspaper -Cre­ate a star sten­cil out of cardboard -Paint sil­ver stars on the blue fab­ric using the stencil  Step  2: Use a men’s knit body (bodice) block pat­tern and trace (using an...

Silk Tulle Wedding Veil & Choosing Your Wedding Veil Fabric

English French Netting Long Cathedral length Wedding Veil White with lace

Wedding Veil Silk I was recent­ly com­mis­sioned to make a wed­ding veil. Pri­or to this order, I didn’t know very much about veils and I cer­tain­ly didn’t real­ize there were so many options and design pos­si­bil­i­ties. (It is so involved that you may want to decide upon a veil style and fab­ric before you buy or design your dress!) Let’s dis­cuss the options available!  __________________ ILLUSION TULLE The inex­pen­sive veils are made with...

Communion Face Masks

silk communion face mask

Communion Face Masks Many church­es and schools have set the new dates for First Holy Com­mu­nion. But unfor­tu­nate­ly, they are requir­ing the girls and boys to wear face masks on their spe­cial days. This face masks is intend­ed for girls (10 and under) for First Holy Com­mu­nion mass or wed­ding ceremonies.  Silk Lace Face Mask: Silk/Wool Out­er Lay­er with Chan­til­ly Lace (from France) Overlay Lined with cotton Elas­tic Bands (Unlike the elas­tic shown...