Notre Dame Face Mask

couture face masks

“Through the pur­suit of beau­ty we shape the world as a home, and in doing so we both ampli­fy our joys and find con­so­la­tion for our sorrows.” ~Sir Roger Scruton Hand Embroidered Face Masks I recent­ly fin­ished a face mask for a grad­u­ate of the Uni­ver­si­ty of Notre Dame. The face cov­er­ing is hand embroi­dered (cross-stitched) with navy, Kel­ly green, and gold threads. I used an authen­tic Ukrain­ian embroi­dery pat­tern that...

Hand Embroidered Leather Crop Jacket

embroidered leather jacket

Pub­lished August 2019 My Ukrain­ian her­itage is a con­stant source of inspi­ra­tion. Some­times it might just be the work eth­ic. I have been known to work with clients on projects I think are impor­tant even when they ulti­mate­ly cost me mon­ey. But oth­er times the inspi­ra­tion is bit more obvious. Today, I am shar­ing pho­tos of my new Ukrain­ian inspired jack­et. This jack­et is made with Argen­tinean cognac calf leather and...

Ukrainian Embroidered Lace Dress

hand ukrainian embroider dress sewing

Khrys­tos Voskres! Christ is risen! Phew! Lent is over and true to tra­di­tion; I bare­ly fin­ished my annu­al East­er dress for East­er Mass. Every year at this time, I design and sew a Ukrain­ian inspired East­er dress. This year, I had trou­ble choos­ing between 4 dress designs. So by the time I nailed down a design and start­ed the embroi­dery, it was already half way through Lent. Blue Ukrainian Embroidered Dress A...

Embroidered Irish Face Mask

Embroidered Irish Face Mask

“(Can’t) Kiss Me I’m Ukrainian Irish” Mask I recent­ly fin­ished this mask for a Ukrain­ian in Cana­da. I love the fin­ished results! It’s a fun face cov­er­ing for women with Irish and Ukrain­ian blood; or any­one who wants to wear a bright & unique mask. This green, lime, orange, yel­low, and red mask is hand embroi­dered with an authen­tic Ukrain­ian pattern. Embroidered Face Mask Details: ~Cot­ton Aida Cloth ~Linen Lin­ing  ~DMC 100%...

Flower Girl Face Masks

flower girl face mask

I recent­ly fin­ished new face masks for flower girls in wed­dings or chil­dren receiv­ing First Holy Communion. The face cov­er­ings are made with a dia­mond white silk wool. (Dia­mond white is shade between bright white and ivory.) The silk wool’s shine and struc­ture make it a beau­ti­ful option. The out­er lay­er is made with very light ivory laces from France. Shop for the mask on Ana­gras­sia web­site here: Flower Girl Face Masks...

Couture Face Mask

Couture Hand Embroidered Face Mask

I fin­ished anoth­er cou­ture face mask!  Ukrainian Face Mask: ~Hand Embroi­dered with an authen­tic Ukrain­ian design ~Wom­en’s Size ~DMC cot­ton threads in pink (fus­cia), pur­ple (laven­der), blue, green, yel­low, orange, and black colors. ~Linen Aida Cloth ~Linen Lin­ing ~Pock­et for filter ~Elas­tic bands to wrap around the ears ~These are fun and beau­ti­ful face cov­er­ings. You don’t have to be Ukrain­ian to wear them.  Shop the unique and non­sur­gi­cal grade mask on the Ana­gras­sia web­site: Cou­ture...