Embroidered Irish Face Mask

Embroidered Irish Face Mask

“(Can’t) Kiss Me I’m Ukrainian Irish” Mask I recent­ly fin­ished this mask for a Ukrain­ian in Cana­da. I love the fin­ished results! It’s a fun face cov­er­ing for women with Irish and Ukrain­ian blood; or any­one who wants to wear a bright & unique mask. This green, lime, orange, yel­low, and red mask is hand embroi­dered with an authen­tic Ukrain­ian pattern. Embroidered Face Mask Details: ~Cot­ton Aida Cloth ~Linen Lin­ing  ~DMC 100%...

Flower Girl Face Masks

flower girl face mask

I recent­ly fin­ished new face masks for flower girls in wed­dings or chil­dren receiv­ing First Holy Communion. The face cov­er­ings are made with a dia­mond white silk wool. (Dia­mond white is shade between bright white and ivory.) The silk wool’s shine and struc­ture make it a beau­ti­ful option. The out­er lay­er is made with very light ivory laces from France. Shop for the mask on Ana­gras­sia web­site here: Flower Girl Face Masks...

Couture Face Mask

Couture Hand Embroidered Face Mask

I fin­ished anoth­er cou­ture face mask!  Ukrainian Face Mask: ~Hand Embroi­dered with an authen­tic Ukrain­ian design ~Wom­en’s Size ~DMC cot­ton threads in pink (fus­cia), pur­ple (laven­der), blue, green, yel­low, orange, and black colors. ~Linen Aida Cloth ~Linen Lin­ing ~Pock­et for filter ~Elas­tic bands to wrap around the ears ~These are fun and beau­ti­ful face cov­er­ings. You don’t have to be Ukrain­ian to wear them.  Shop the unique and non­sur­gi­cal grade mask on the Ana­gras­sia web­site: Cou­ture...

Ukrainian Hand Embroidered Face Mask

Hand Embroidered face mask Ukrainian

When Ukrain­ian women find them­selves in a pan­dem­ic and shut­down, you might find them hunched over and embroi­der­ing a face mask.  With the manda­to­ry face cov­er­ing laws being pushed back until (at least) late Sep­tem­ber in Indi­ana, my moth­er decid­ed she would com­mis­sion me to make her a Ukrain­ian embroi­dered face mask.  She sewed all the hand embroi­dery. We decid­ed to sew it on a thick can­vas, so that it would stand...

Face Masks for Flower Girls & Communion

flower girl face mask

At the begin­ning of the Covid-19 shut­down, I made batch­es of masks for local doc­tors and fam­i­lies until the short­age end­ed and I focused on help­ing fam­i­ly mem­bers in need.I could­n’t share pho­tos because they were a painful reminder of los­ing my jobs and life in NYC, and most of all the ter­ri­ble iso­la­tion it forced upon all of us. But the Com­mu­nion masks are dif­fer­ent. My cus­tomers need­ed them to...

Communion Face Masks

silk communion face mask

Communion Face Masks Many church­es and schools have set the new dates for First Holy Com­mu­nion. But unfor­tu­nate­ly, they are requir­ing the girls and boys to wear face masks on their spe­cial days. This face masks is intend­ed for girls (10 and under) for First Holy Com­mu­nion mass or wed­ding ceremonies.  Silk Lace Face Mask: Silk/Wool Out­er Lay­er with Chan­til­ly Lace (from France) Overlay Lined with cotton Elas­tic Bands (Unlike the elas­tic shown...