Floral Embroidered Face Mask

Purple and green hand embroidered face mask with Ukrainian design

A beau­ti­ful & hand embroi­dered face mask for women using authen­tic & tra­di­tion­al Ukrain­ian embroi­dery designs. This flo­ral design uses col­ors: pur­ple, lilac, pink, magen­ta, green, yel­low, and lime. It’s made-to-order, so it’ll shipped out 1.5–3 weeks after the order is placed. Shop this mask here: Flo­ral Ukrain­ian Face Mask Ukrainian Embroidered Face Mask: ~Cot­ton Aida Cloth~Linen Lin­ing~DMC 100% Cot­ton Thread made in France~Open­ing for a fil­ter~1/8″ Elas­tic Bands These masks are not...

Hand Embroidered Face Masks

Rainbow embroidered face mask with Ukrainian embroidery

Rainbow Embroidered Face Mask A bright face mask made using an authen­tic & tra­di­tion­al Ukrain­ian embroi­dery design. The hand­made face cov­er­ing uses a vari­a­tion of red, orange, yel­low, green, and black threads that are cross stitched on 100% cotton. Ukraini­ans are known to hand embroi­der EVERYTHING, so it’s no sur­prise that more and more Ukraini­ans are sport­ing embroi­dery on their face masks. With the manda­to­ry face mask laws in place until...

Blue Ukrainian Embroidered Face Mask

Blue Ukrainian Embroidered Face Mask

This Ukrain­ian embroi­dered face mask is for a woman on the east coast. The linen & cot­ton face cov­er­ing is cov­ered in tra­di­tion­al & authen­tic slav­ic embroi­dery design using light blue and navy threads. The ful­ly lined mask is made with fil­ter pock­ets and white elas­tic bands.  Shop her : Blue Ukrain­ian Embroi­dered Face Mask...

Lace Flower Girl Mask

lace flower girl mask

As church­es open and gov­er­nors require face masks indoors, I am receiv­ing more orders for face masks. Instead of wear­ing sur­gi­cal masks, brides, moth­er-of-the-brides, and flower girls are order­ing cus­tom made and cou­ture masks for their spe­cial wed­ding day or bridal event; such as hand embroi­dered Ukrain­ian masks (which embroi­dery designs fit the bride or groom’s eth­nic­i­ty), silk face masks, and lace face cov­er­ings . Here is a new design...

Silk Flower Girl Mask

silk flower girl mask

New masks for flower girls, wed­dings and brides.  Flower Girl Face Mask Details: ~ Light Ivory Chan­til­ly Lace from France ~ White Silk Faille Outer ~ White cot­ton shirt­ing for lining ~ White (very stretchy) rayon/poly bands for ear ties ~ Pock­et if you want to add a filter Shop on Ana­gras­sia web­site here: Silk Flower Girl Mask Watch video in Etsy list­ing to see the stretch­i­ness of the bands: White Silk...

Notre Dame Face Mask

couture face masks

“Through the pur­suit of beau­ty we shape the world as a home, and in doing so we both ampli­fy our joys and find con­so­la­tion for our sorrows.” ~Sir Roger Scruton Hand Embroidered Face Masks I recent­ly fin­ished a face mask for a grad­u­ate of the Uni­ver­si­ty of Notre Dame. The face cov­er­ing is hand embroi­dered (cross-stitched) with navy, Kel­ly green, and gold threads. I used an authen­tic Ukrain­ian embroi­dery pat­tern that...