Nautical Light Blue and White Girls’ Sailor Dresses with Petal Sleeves

Blue check seersucker sailor girls dress ralph gucci nautical petal sleeve designer mccartney white tie collar bergdorf goodman dress petal sleeve kids white

Here are some of the light blue and white linen nau­ti­cal sailor dress­es I designed for the Pic­co­las by Ana­gras­sia Col­lec­tion. Please email me if you are inter­est­ed in pur­chas­ing a cus­tom dress for your daughter. Details: 100% Linen Hand­made & Made to Order Back But­tons...

Silk Faille Bridesmaid Dresses

Dark Navy Silk Faille Pleated Junior Bridesmaid Dress with suede silk lining, open back, pockets, and emerald green big bow for wedding Bat Mitzvah interlining

A Day in the Life of a Dress­mak­er and Fash­ion Designer Have you ever won­dered what’s behind the vision and con­struc­tion of a beau­ti­ful dress? Hours and hours of labor? Yes. Cre­ative vision? Absolute­ly, but this cre­ativ­i­ty must also be firm­ly ground­ed in basics of tex­tiles and con­struc­tion tech­nique. This is why I am not just a fash­ion design­er. What I see in my head I know how to make...

White Silk Wool Clerical Priest Roman Style Stole

White Silk Wool Hand Embroidered Clerical Stole Roman Style with Pink Gold Red Thread for Irish Priest Rome Vatican Bespoke Ivory Latin Mass Orthodox Ukrainian

Stoles are a sign of one being ordained in the Catholic Church. So it’s only fit­ting for a new priest to receive a spe­cial hand-embroi­dered stole for his ordination. This stole was com­mis­sioned for an ordi­na­tion gift in Scotland. It’s made with silk wool tex­tile and inter­lined with hair canvas.  The embroi­dery was cre­at­ed by hand from old tra­di­tion­al eth­nic (Ukrain­ian) pat­terns. As you can see below, we test­ed dif­fer­ent...

Dropped Waist Pleated Navy Sailor Dress with White Collar for Girls

Best sleeveless navy girls sailor nautical dress with white collar, tie, drop waist pleated skirt, and gold buttons for Memorial, Independence, and Labor Day

I was recent­ly com­mis­sioned to make this navy and white sailor’s (nau­ti­cal) dress for a girl.  Dress Details: Navy & white 100% (thick knit) polyester/rayon textiles Func­tion­al but­tons down the cen­ter front (hid­den by tie) Tie attached to the dress Pleat­ed and dropped waist skirt 4 gold anchor buttons  (Wash with cold water and dry flat) Shop the dress on Ana­gras­si­a’s Etsy shop:

World Map Cotton Dress with Collar on the Cover of Magazine

world map dress

These girls were in two mag­a­zines in one month! One mag­a­zine is cir­cu­lat­ing Michi­ana (South Bend Liv­ing Mag­a­zine) and the oth­er one is in Paris/Shanghai/New York City!I’m not sur­prised since my sis­ter and nieces are tal­ent­ed, amaz­ing, and gorgeous!  Gigi is wear­ing Ana­gras­sia map dress!  Shop dress here: map cot­ton girl’s dress Beau­ti­ful Pho­tog­ra­phy by Shan­na Hen­drick­son Photography...

Anagrassia Flower Girl in French Wedding Wearing Communion Style Ivory French Alencon Lace and Tulle Dress

Anagrassia Ivory Alencon Lace First Holy Communion Custom Dress and Flower Girl dress for wedding, special occasion or bat mitzvah. White Tulle and Satin Sash

Here is one of my recent cus­tomers as a flower girl in a sum­mer wed­ding in France. Pho­tog­ra­phy by Aure­lie CM (France) Dress Details: “Com­mu­nion” Style Dress (Full Dress) Ivory French Alen­con Flo­ral Lace  Cap & Unlined Sleeves Gold Bodice Lining 6 Lay­ers of Ivory Tulle and 1 Lay­er of Ivory Satin Ivory Satin Sash Ivory Satin Buttons Back Hid­den Zip­per and Hook & Eye Enclosures Shop here: Com­mu­nion Style Cus­tom Dresses...