Anagrassia Lace Leotards & Tulle Flower Girl Dresses

lace bodysuit flower girl dress

Best Selling Flower Girl Dresses

Pub­lished May 19, 2014

Mary Grace God­frey is the design­er and seam­stress behind the Ana­gras­sia label. Ana­gras­sia launched in 2013 with the trend­set­ting adult bridal sep­a­rates and “Flower Girl” dress­es, which were lace (lined) body­suits with tulle skirts. Since then, the brand has expand­ed its spe­cial occa­sion out­fits and cus­tom orders to include bap­tismal, Com­mu­nion, Bat Mitz­vah, and Quinceañera gowns and dress­es. Recent­ly, Mary Grace has focused her atten­tion on her true pas­sion, tai­lor­ing. Women and chil­dren can now order cus­tom and hand­made wool and leather jackets.

Shop the new spe­cial occa­sion dress­es on the updat­ed Ana­gras­sia website:

Ana­gras­sia Flower Girl Dresses

long sleeve lace flower girl

long sleeve lace flower girl

ivory lace wedding dress bodysuit

I began mak­ing these dress­es for my friend’s wed­ding (click here to read post). (Read oth­er flower girl posts here and here)

And I con­tin­ue to make them for wed­dings! Recent­ly, I made some of my favorite dress­es thus far!

Go to to find out how to order Ana­gras­sia dresses!

champagne lace flower girl dress

long sleeve flower girl dresses

champagne lace flower girl dress

Every bridal lace leo­tard and tulle skirt are hand­made by me (Marusya)!

There are dif­fer­ent leo­tard options for dif­fer­ent price points.

champagne lace flower girl dress

Prices vary depend­ing on the lace and labor required for each leotard.

lace wedding bodysuit leotard Below are some pho­tos of cus­tomers in Ana­gras­sia lace leotards!

alencon lace wedding dress

I have more expen­sive lace options.

Email me at marygrace[at]anagrassia[dot]com if you are look­ing for more lace options or want to place a cus­tom order.

lace wedding bodysuit leotard

These leo­tards take quite a bit of time. It requires a lot of pin­ning, bast­ing, and hand stitch­ing for me. All the neck­lines and but­tons are hand stitched!

The more expen­sive bridal lace leo­tards have invis­i­ble back zip­pers and span­dex bottoms.

lace wedding bodysuit leotard
Back invis­i­ble zipper

tulle skirt flower girl wedding

Each hand­made leo­tard comes with a name label.

ivory lace bodysuit wedding

blush  lace leotard flower girl

Ivory flower girl dress

239 thoughts on “Anagrassia Lace Leotards & Tulle Flower Girl Dresses

  1. Victoria

    I was won­der­ing how much and how I can order the lace leo­tard I’m get­ting mar­ried in March 6,2016 thank you !


  2. Kayla

    I have been look­ing for this type of dress for a long time for my flower girl can you please email me prices and styles please!!!!!


    1. marusya

      Hi Kay­la! I just sent you an email!


  3. Elayne

    These dress­es are amaz­ing! I’m in love. Nev­er seen any­thing quite like it ???? I’m get­ting mar­ried in July and would love to pur­chase 2 dress­es for both of my daugh­ter’s for the big day . Will you email me the info please ? Thank you!


    1. marusya

      Thanks Elayne! I just sent you an email!


  4. Whitney

    These would be per­fect for my win­ter wed­ding in Jan­u­ary 2016! Can you please send me pric­ing and pur­chas­ing Info?


    1. marusya

      I just sent you an email! Let me know if you have any questions!


  5. Dena

    Hi! Love your work! I’d appre­ci­ate an email with more info. My daugh­ter is in a wed­ding in May. Thanks in advance!


    1. marusya

      Thanks Dena! I just sent you an email!


  6. Amber

    Hi! I fell in love with this Leo and Tutu as soon as I saw it. We booked our wed­ding for 9/30/16 and my entire wed­ding will be white, cham­pagne, ivory & lace. I have 2 flower girls that I would love to pur­chase for. I will be 4 years old and the oth­er 3 years old. Could you please pro­vide me with an esti­mate price! Thank you in advance 🙂


    1. marusya

      Thanks Amber! I just send you the PDF catalog!


  7. Isabel Boyack

    How much? What is the size and price?! It’s gorgeous!!!


    1. marusya

      Thanks Isabel! I just sent you an email with all the information.


  8. Deri

    Hi, could you email me with more info in these such as prices and how far in advance would you have to order? Thanks 🙂


  9. Sarah

    Hi, I love the leo. And tulle skirt, could you send me the price. Thanks.


    1. marusya

      Thanks Sarah! I just sent you an email!


  10. LaDonna

    Would love these for my daugh­ters wed­ding could you please give me a quote.


    1. marusya

      Thanks LaDon­na! I just sent you the cat­a­log and order forms.


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