Site icon Couture Dressmaker for Anagrassia

White Lace and Linen Pleated Dress

linen white bridal lace shift dress marusya wedding

The moment I saw this pleat­ed dress pat­tern, I knew exact­ly what I want­ed to make!

I’ve been hold­ing on to this linen for some time now and I’m excit­ed to final­ly use it for the right project. The hand of the linen is heavy and flex­i­ble, so it’s beau­ti­ful and per­fect for this dress design!

I’ve been swamped with orders and alter­ations recent­ly. So when I came across a con­test, I was more than thrilled to have an excuse to make myself some­thing special!

linen white bridal lace shift dress marusya wedding

linen white bridal lace shift dress marusya wedding
Work in Progress

linen 9 white bridal lace shift dress marusya

Con­tact me if you want to order one for yourself!

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