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Ukrainian Embroidery Vyshyvanka Mask

vyshyvanka ukrainian hand embroidery face mask

I recent­ly fin­ished this face mask for my sis­ter, an art teacher who want­ed a cre­ative & unique mask for her classroom. 

Shop mask here: Ukrain­ian Embroi­dered Face Masks

Embroidered Face Mask Details:

~The cov­er­ing is hand embroi­dered using tra­di­tion­al Ukrain­ian & slav­ic hand embroi­dery patterns. 

~Thread col­ors (red, black, blue, yel­low, green, and orange) are cross-stitched on white aida cloth. 

~The mask is lined with dark nav­ery pin striped cotton. 

~This is a non sur­gi­cal mask.

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