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Tying the Knot(s): Last Minute Sewing and Hand Stitching Before the Wedding

Beige Silk Wool Mother of the Bride Dress Marusya

The week­end began with late night sewing and an art show.

(Yes- I was in an art show with all this work ahead of me! I inad­ver­tent­ly reg­is­tered for the event last spring before I real­ized I had 2 wed­dings one week after the show!)

Despite the lack of time & prepa­ra­tion, the day was very nice & successful!


Less than 5 days until the wed­ding! (Only 2 more work days because my best friend’s wed­ding is Saturday!!)


Moth­er of the Bride Dress

Lay­ing out pat­tern pieces on the silk wool fabric

Silk Wool is an expen­sive fab­ric, so I usu­al­ly but the exact amount I may need. As a result, I was just short on the amount of silk wool fab­ric I need­ed for my mom’s pat­tern 🙁  But for­tu­nate­ly, I was able to dig out a beau­ti­ful silk fab­ric that matched the silk wool.

I incor­po­rat­ed the silk into the design by slic­ing the skirt pat­tern hor­i­zon­tal­ly to cre­ate a low­er “col­or” (not much of a col­or block since it’s the same col­or) block.

The upper pieces were cut on the length­wise (warp) grain, while the skirt pieces were cut on the cross­wise (weft) grain. The dif­fer­ent grain line cuts appear dif­fer­ent­ly in the light. This dif­fer­ence adds more “col­or” unin­tend­ed block­ing to the dress. But over­all I like the col­or blocking!

Serge edges & stitch­ing the side seams together 
Cut­ting and sewing the Lin­ing & Stay stitch­ing the lining
Care­ful­ly match­ing the seams and stitch­ing the skirt side seams
Pin Pin PIn! Don’t skip this step. Pins allow me to PERFECTLY align seams & darts & lines!


(Test­ing fit and mark­ing waistband)


Mak­ing adjust­ments and mark­ing the zipper

Insert­ing the Zip­per then hand stitch­ing the lin­ing to zipper
Mak­ing Adjust­ments to back and waistline
Fin­ish­ing the hem with hand stitching


Still Needs to Be Steamed

The jew­el­ry was giv­en to my moth­er from her moth­er ( my babcha)! This will make the out­fit that much more special 🙂

Dress before Press­ing and Steaming

Over­all, I am very hap­py with this project! I ABSOLUTELY LOVE this dress!

The silk and silk/wool are gor­geous and feel great! The fab­ric will breathe very nice­ly in the hot chapel and out­doors for the reception.

When my mom walks, the silk hem flows from left to right ( which adds even more ele­gance to the refined & pol­ished look).

Not only is the dress per­fect for the occa­sion, but it can be eas­i­ly worn again with different/colorful accessories!


I will post more pic­tures after the wedding!!


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