The NEW Bergé (Flower Girl) Dress

Flower girl dress lace embroidery bubble

Flower Girl Dress with lace hand embroidery linen leotard bodysuit skirt anagrassia faberge egg easter gold ivory bubble couture Ukrainian Russian black bespoke

Here are some pho­tos of the new Bergé Dress. (Some pho­tos show the ear­ly skirt sam­ples- with no embroi­dery and dif­fer­ent fabrics.)

Ukrain­ian East­er eggs, Impe­r­i­al Fabergé eggs and Beranger, a musi­cian who I worked with while I final­ized the dress design, inspired the design and name, Bergé.

This design is for the fun and chic girls! 

There’s a sep­a­rate pet­ti­coat to wear under the skirt- for a fuller/bubble appear­ance. (Gigi is not wear­ing the pet­ti­coat in the b/w photos.)

I am (cur­rent­ly) not accept­ing (any) cus­tomers or orders. How­ev­er if time per­mits, I will take orders for the Bergé Dress in late May and June.

(The design is only avail­able as a FULL dress. Dif­fer­ent laces and sleeve designs available.)

FYI- Due to the hand embroi­dery, labor, and mate­ri­als, the embroi­dered Bergé Dress is very expensive. 

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Flower Girl Dress with lace hand embroidery linen leotard bodysuit skirt anagrassia faberge egg easter gold ivory bubble couture Ukrainian Russian black bespoke
The skirt is hand embroi­dered. (Many hours were spent mak­ing this dress!)

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Flower Girl Dress with lace hand embroidery linen leotard bodysuit skirt anagrassia faberge egg easter gold ivory bubble couture Ukrainian Russian black bespoke

Flower Girl Dress with lace hand embroidery linen leotard bodysuit skirt anagrassia faberge egg easter gold ivory bubble couture Ukrainian Russian black bespoke

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Flower Girl Dress with lace hand embroidery linen leotard bodysuit skirt anagrassia faberge egg easter gold ivory bubble couture Ukrainian Russian black bespoke

Flower Girl Dress with lace hand embroidery linen leotard bodysuit skirt anagrassia faberge egg easter gold ivory bubble couture Ukrainian Russian black bespoke

Flower Girl Dress with lace hand embroidery linen leotard bodysuit skirt anagrassia faberge egg easter gold ivory bubble couture Ukrainian Russian black bespoke

Flower Girl Dress with lace hand embroidery linen leotard bodysuit skirt anagrassia faberge egg easter gold ivory bubble couture Ukrainian Russian black bespoke

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Below are pho­tos of a sam­ple dress (from over a year ago) for an old­er girl. They give you an idea of the sil­hou­ette, but it’s one of my ear­li­er samples.

Future dress­es will have dif­fer­ent skirt fab­ric and embroi­dered seams.

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