Site icon Couture Dressmaker for Anagrassia

New York City Bespoke Tailor

NYC Bespoke Tailor

The Art of Bespoke Tailoring

Bespoke Tai­lors serve men and women who believe the dif­fer­ence between style and fash­ion is qual­i­ty, where each suit is:

-Ful­ly hand-cut

-An orig­i­nal pattern

-Con­formed to a customer’s unique measurements

-Craft­ed from the world’s finest fabrics

-Detailed and hand-stitched by a mas­ter tailor

Com­pare this to ready-to-wear and off-the-rack suits. You may have some­thing to wear, but does it ele­vate your game?

The Best of Both Worlds

New York Giant Chris God­frey was a mem­ber of the Super Bowl XXI cham­pi­on offen­sive line known as the Sub­ur­ban­ites. A name coined by Coach Bill Par­cells to con­trast their unas­sum­ing per­sonas with their impres­sive results. 

Thir­ty years lat­er Chris is an estate plan­ning attor­ney who now includes chas­ing grand­chil­dren in his biog­ra­phy. He needs to look good and keep up with­out bust­ing the bud­get of a big family.

He recent­ly dis­cov­ered that acquir­ing an appro­pri­ate suit need not be an all or noth­ing propo­si­tion. At Rossis, he has lever­aged his pro­fes­sion­al rela­tion­ships in New York, Eng­land and Italy to bring cus­tomers like Chris “made-to mea­sure” suits with an impor­tant dif­fer­ence; once mea­sure­ments are tak­en, his suits are made from his unique pat­terns that fit to each indi­vid­ual customer.

While his mar­ket­ing depart­ment decides what to call this unique hybrid of suits, Chris can get doc­u­ments signed and chase grand­chil­dren with­out feel­ing like a man­nequin — the suit moves with him. He is enjoy­ing his new life of style and func­tion­al­i­ty. We are con­fi­dent that you will too.

See Rossi at F & R Bespoke in Mid­town Man­hat­tan NYC or check out his web­site here


Shop girls’ flower girl dress­es for wed­dings on Ana­gras­sia here

-Girl with braid is wear­ing #0908 ivory lace with cream lin­ing leo­tard (unlined and long sleeves) with cham­pagne toned & tiered tulle skirt with cham­pagne sash

-Girl with curls is wear­ing #5810 ivory lace with cream lin­ing leo­tard (lined and long sleeves) with ivory tulle skirt with ivory sash

My nieces LOVE their grand­dad­dy!! <3

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