Blue Bridesmaid Dress

Blue Bridesmaid Dress with bow

A cou­ple weeks ago, a lady asked me to (lit­er­al­ly) whip up a brides­maid dress for her! Pub­lished on Novem­ber 27, 2013 Blue Bridesmaid Dress with Bow and Sleeves On Sun­day, she approached me and asked if I could make her a blue brides­maid dress before her wed­ding on Sat­ur­day. Her orig­i­nal dress no longer fit her and the style/quality did­n’t suit the occasion. I told her if she bought the fab­ric and pat­tern before...

Long Floral Kimono Jacket

Long Floral Jacket

Pub­lished April 7, 2018 Hap­py East­er! (Read more about my East­er dress here and Gigi’s East­er dress here) Here are pho­tos of my Flo­ral East­er Jacket.  I used Bur­dastyle’s 08/2016 Coat #116 pat­tern. (Pat­tern adjust­ments: FULLY LINED, SIDE SLITS, LOWER BACK PIECE CUT ON FOLD) I used the Egypt­ian cot­ton lin­ing scraps from Beranger’s jack­et. Work In Progress…Choosing the pock­et design and placement....

Silk Tulle Wedding Veil & Choosing Your Wedding Veil Fabric

English French Netting Long Cathedral length Wedding Veil White with lace

Wedding Veil Silk I was recent­ly com­mis­sioned to make a wed­ding veil. Pri­or to this order, I didn’t know very much about veils and I cer­tain­ly didn’t real­ize there were so many options and design pos­si­bil­i­ties. (It is so involved that you may want to decide upon a veil style and fab­ric before you buy or design your dress!) Let’s dis­cuss the options available!  __________________ ILLUSION TULLE The inex­pen­sive veils are made with...

Charcoal Flower Girl Dress Sketch

Sketch Ivory Alencon Lace First Holy Communion Custom Dress and Flower Girl dress for wedding, special occasion or bat mitzvah. White Tulle and Satin Sash

A few years ago, my sis­ter gift­ed me with a char­coal flower girl dress sketch of my niece in her Ana­gras­sia lace leotard/bodysuit and tulle skirt. It’s one of my favorite gifts to date. (I cried when I received it from my niece.) If you would like to order a sketch of your daughter/niece/goddaughter, please con­tact me and I will con­nect you with my sis­ter. (At this point, she will only...

Flower Girls in Anagrassia Lace Bodysuits and Tulle Skirt Dresses in a wedding on Almafi Coast

Anagrassia Ivory Alencon Lace First Holy Communion Custom Dress and Flower Girl dress for wedding, special occasion or bat mitzvah. White Tulle and Satin Sash

A cou­ple flower girls wore Ana­gras­sia dress­es in a wed­ding on Almafi Coast in Italy. Details: Ivory French Alen­con Lace Leotards/Bodysuits with Cap Unlined Sleeves Gold Bodice Lining Cham­pagne Toned Tulle Skirts (White, Light Ivory, Ivory, and Cham­pagne Seam­less Lay­ers of Tulle) Tiered Tulle Layers Back Ivory Satin Buttons Cham­pagne Satin Sash...