Bridesmaid Dress: A Little Something For Myself

We are get­ting clos­er by the day, and there is so much sewing to be done that it’s actu­al­ly start­ing to feel like work (just a lit­tle bit). Tak­ing a break to make my own dress is the per­fect med­i­cine…my excite­ment is ful­ly restored and I am back to the draft­ing table! My sis­ter and her fiancé will have no bridal par­ty, only their two wit­ness­es. Tra­di­tion­al­ly, they are called “atten­dants”. But...

My Sister’s Wedding Dress for Late August

Can it get any roman­tic than this? My sis­ter moved to Italy sev­er­al years ago. Of course, she fell in love in the Eter­nal City (of love) and about a month ago became all at once engaged! There­fore, doc­tors will use a new­er gen­er­a­tion of tubes that release med­ica­tion that accel­er­ates the heal­ing process. order silde­nafil Cut­ting off the non-veg­e­tar­i­an items from the dai­ly diet has cialis whole­sale india failed. How­ev­er,...