Black & Red Floral Bustier Bathing Suit

Follow Marusya Marusya on Twitter @theanagrassia or Instagram @marusyagrace to see WIP* photos. *Work In Progress Here’s my sec­ond vin­tage inspired swim­suit. (View my first busti­er bathing suit top here.) It’s anoth­er boned busti­er top made with a polyester/rayon fabric. I recent­ly test­ed my first busti­er swim­suit in sun, water & chlo­rine. The top worked real­ly well in all those con­di­tions. It did­n’t fuss, fade, or stretch out. 🙂 This was the...

Preparing for Easter 2014

This is by far my least favorite time of the year. Between giv­ing up dai­ly plea­sures dur­ing Lent, doing tax­es, and the gloomy weath­er, I dread March and ear­ly April! Despite all these things, there’s one thing that does light­en the mood…sewing my 2014 East­er dress! Again I’m design­ing an East­er dress inspired by my babcha. This time I’m using some of her old fab­ric rather than spend­ing count­less hours doing...