Sewing Pillows with Cording

how to sew pillows

Pub­lished 1/13/2014 Recent­ly,  I fin­ished these col­or­ful dec­o­ra­tive pil­lows for a friend. The fab­rics I used were an embroi­dered polyester/cotton for the body and brown vel­veteen fab­ric for the out­er piping. Once I began cut­ting and sewing, I  was on a roll and thought I’d start and fin­ish the pil­lows in one night (maybe 2). But after fin­ish­ing one the pil­low cov­ers the first night & stuff­ing them with the...

Long Floral Jacket with Genuine Leather Details and Pockets

Think Spring  Even Though It’s Winter I made this spring flo­ral jack­et while cooped up dur­ing last week’s bliz­zard. The space heater, fin­ger­less gloves, hot choco­late, and fleece socks kept me warm in the ‑14 degrees! Con­tact me if you want a spring jack­et for your­self (you can pick the fab­ric)! ______________________________ Join my Marusya Marusya sub­scriber list and you’ll be entered for future contests! If your part­ner is not...

Traditional Maltese Lacemaking

Recent­ly my dad took a busi­ness trip to Mal­ta & Gozo, islands off the coast of Italy in the Mediter­ranean.  Mal­ta & Gozo are well-known for their tra­di­tion­al bob­bin lace called “bizzil­la.” So when my dad first told me he was trav­el­ing to Mal­ta, I imme­di­ate­ly request­ed that he return home with Mal­tese lace and video footage of the Mal­tese lace­mak­ers in the streets! Many years ago, I remem­ber an old­er...

Maid of Honor Dress and More Wedding Photos (Part 2 of 3)

Custom made dress by Anagrassia Marusya August wedding red and white Ukrainian theme

I quick­ly fin­ished my “Maid of Hon­or” dress before the wed­ding. I did­n’t have the time or ener­gy to think hard about what kind of top I should design. Instead, I free hand­ed a sim­ple bodice pat­tern for the top por­tion of the dress. I plan to use the embroi­dery piece for a more tra­di­tion­al Ukrain­ian blouse, so I was­n’t too con­cerned about fit or quality. The skirt hem­line was...

WEEK 2: My Sister’s Silk and Lace Wedding Dress Progress

It’s crunch time!  A lit­tle over 3 weeks until the wed­ding and  I am swamped with work (both legal and sewing)! But, I hope to accom­plish all the projects: wed­ding dress, brides­maid dress, moth­er of the bride dress, and father of the bride out­fit (jack­et and/or pants). Because I don’t have much time to write, I will basi­cal­ly share the wed­ding dress­mak­ing sto­ry through pic­tures (with a few tips and...