The NEW Bergé (Flower Girl) Dress

Flower girl dress lace embroidery bubble

Here are some pho­tos of the new Bergé Dress. (Some pho­tos show the ear­ly skirt sam­ples- with no embroi­dery and dif­fer­ent fabrics.) Ukrain­ian East­er eggs, Impe­r­i­al Fabergé eggs and Beranger, a musi­cian who I worked with while I final­ized the dress design, inspired the design and name, Bergé. This design is for the fun and chic girls!  There’s a sep­a­rate pet­ti­coat to wear under the skirt- for a fuller/bubble appear­ance. (Gigi is not wear­ing the pet­ti­coat in the b/w...


deep gold ochre green tunic cape blouse

Shop new tunics on web­site here or on Etsy I’m very excit­ed to announce the release of my first ADULT man­u­fac­tured product! This tunic design is a com­bi­na­tion of every­thing I desire in a tunic: ochre and/or ivory col­ors, cov­ers the back hips and butt, boat neck­line, fit­ted ¾ sleeves, tighter around the shoul­ders, not trans­par­ent, heav­ier in weight, and does not look like a mater­ni­ty top. There are 2 lay­ers of...

THE DARIA DRESS: Bohemian Ukrainian Flower Girl Babcha Inspired

bohemian, embroidery, flower girl, dress, tutu, tulle, skirt, ukrainian, ethnic, vintage, inspired, floral, trim, lace, leotard, alencon, pink, ivory, blue, red

Shop Dresses HERE I’m real­ly excit­ed to release the first ANAGRASSIA man­u­fac­tured prod­uct: THE DARIA DRESS! The dress­es were made in Chica­go, IL and South Bend, IN. Thank you to every­one who worked with me on this project! You all were all incred­i­ble and so patient!  The DARIA dress is a mod­ern take on a dress my Babcha cre­at­ed and designed over 50 years ago for my mom (who hap­pens to be...

Blue Floral & Peter Pan Collar Girl Dress for Melan’ka Collection

Blue, red, Colorful, Floral, Baby, toddler, Dress, Pin Tucks, Peter Pan Collar, Back Buttons, Full, Skirt, Handmade, Marusya, Anagrassia, Summer, Easter, Spring, cute, malen’ka, collection

T H E   C A T H E R I N E   D R E S S Melan’­Ka Col­lec­tion Flo­ral Dress avail­able for sale in 18mos & 2T. Cus­tom siz­ing avail­able with 8 weeks turn around time or $15 rush order fee. Shop here or email me at [email protected] See more col­lec­tion pho­tos here...

Alencon Lace Crop Top & Pleated Skirt for Malanka 2016

crop, top, lace, alencon, lyocell, tencel, pleated, skirt, malanka, bridal, wedding, dress, formal, white, ivory, metallic, sewing, handmade, custom, bodysuit, long

Here are some pho­tos of my Malan­ka (Ukrain­ian New Years) 2016 dress. This dress was very com­fort­able to wear and fun to dance in! The skirt was made from mate­r­i­al I bought from Haber­man Fab­rics (in Roy­al Oak Michi­gan) when I bought my sis­ter’s wed­ding dress fabric. I think the mate­r­i­al is a ray­on or ray­on & cot­ton blend. It was an “end of the bolt” clear­ance fab­ric with­out a descrip­tive tag. I love...

Stephanie & Roman’s Ukrainian Wedding

Ukrainian, wedding, dress, embroidery, floral, silk, wool, sewing, fabric, lace, merezka, gold, white, ivory, charmeuse, ukraine, full, skirt, blouse, shirt, bridal, bride

All of the pho­tos tak­en on the wed­ding day by Kar­la Korn Pho­tog­ra­phy. ____________ Stephanie showed up with her wed­ding dress still in pieces and none of her embroi­dery fin­ished — or even start­ed. Need­less to say we were both more than just a lit­tle bit stressed with her wed­ding day just two weeks away. We had spent over twelve months plan­ning her dress. We had gone over every­thing: the...