Plaid Women’s Blazer

Green Plaid Women's Sport Jacket

Pub­lished March 13, 2019 Women’s Sport Jacket Hap­py (ear­ly) St. Patrick­’s Day! Today, I’m shar­ing one of my recent cus­tom orders. Here is a sports jack­et/blazer for a lady.  I used Gor­don tar­tan wool from Eng­land. This dark green, navy, and gold check is a clas­sic Scot­tish tar­tan named after the House of Gordon. The pock­ets and sleeve hem bind­ing were made with soft cognac (real) South Amer­i­can leather. (The but­ton is also...

Lace Bridal Leotards & Bodysuits for Adults

alencon lace bodysuit

*~The lace leo­tards are cus­tom made and will fit the cus­tomer bet­ter than the sam­ple leo­tards pic­tured on mod­els seen in most blog photos~* _____________________________ If you are inter­est­ed in pur­chas­ing a cus­tom made (& hand­made) adult bridal leotard/bodysuit, please con­tact me (Mary Grace0 via email or con­tact form for the cur­rent cat­a­log and order form. I’m cur­rent­ly only accept­ing orders via Pay­pal invoicing. (Etsy shop is tem­porar­i­ly closed until December.) __________ R E...

Burdastyle Charcoal Modal Cotton Cross Over Long Crop Dress

I made this dress for my trip to Europe last year. I heard Euro­peans wear pants and long dress­es, so I made the dress long with side slits.  I did­n’t take pho­tos of the dress in Europe, but I grabbed a few pho­tos when I wore it to a din­ner & dance last May. I don’t like tight dress­es so I made size 38. (I nor­mal­ly wear size 36.) The shoul­ders were a bit too wide...