Ivory Silk Cocktail Dress

ivory silk cocktail dress

Pub­lished 07/19/2013 Pat­tern: Vogue 8848 Mate­ri­als: 1 yard of Twill Silk 1/2 of Silk Charmeuse (I found it on super Clearance!) 1- 18″ White Invis­i­ble Zipper 3 yards of Inter­fac­ing (20″ wide) 1 1/2 yards Lin­ing fabric Wash­able Mark­ing Pen Sewing Machine & Scissors Silk Cocktail Dress I fell in love with this silk twill fab­ric! I chose this pat­tern because 1) it had a fuller skirt and required very lit­tle fab­ric 2)...

Handmade Lace and Silk Wedding Dress

Couture lace silk wedding dress

Pub­lished 08/28/2013 Writ­ten By My Father: A busy sum­mer got busier with the mar­riage of our daugh­ter Katie last Sun­day. It was a beau­ti­ful day with con­tri­bu­tions made by many fam­i­ly and friends, and I would be remiss if I did­n’t acknowl­edge a few that I have not already thanked publicly. The good peo­ple of St. Michael’s Ukrain­ian Catholic Church were extra­or­di­nar­i­ly hos­pitable, and its choir excep­tion­al as they wel­comed...