So Much Dishonesty in One Photo

The girls in this pho­to were some of my first cus­tomers. I’ll nev­er for­get them because I real­ly enjoyed work­ing with them and they were the first ones to ever wear (and helped design) the #0908 lace leotard. But in just this one screen­shot, you can see so much dishonesty. First, the image was water­marked by 2 (maybe 3) dif­fer­ent Chi­nese companies. Sec­ond, the pho­to is used for anoth­er Etsy...

Niece’s Easter Dress (THOMMY Dress with Hand Painted Lace)

Lace Linen Tulle Flower Girl Unique Dress

Here are a few pho­tos of my niece’s East­er dress this year. It’s the Thom­my Dress design with hand-paint­ed (Style #5284) lace. The Thom­my Dress is made with a detach­able tulle skirt/sash. My niece’s dress (below) was made with­out the tulle attach­ment. Shop the dress here...

The NEW Bergé (Flower Girl) Dress

Flower girl dress lace embroidery bubble

Here are some pho­tos of the new Bergé Dress. (Some pho­tos show the ear­ly skirt sam­ples- with no embroi­dery and dif­fer­ent fabrics.) Ukrain­ian East­er eggs, Impe­r­i­al Fabergé eggs and Beranger, a musi­cian who I worked with while I final­ized the dress design, inspired the design and name, Bergé. This design is for the fun and chic girls!  There’s a sep­a­rate pet­ti­coat to wear under the skirt- for a fuller/bubble appear­ance. (Gigi is not wear­ing the pet­ti­coat in the b/w...

Avery’s Silk Lined Baptismal Gown Made from Grandmother’s Wedding Dress

Handmade, Sewing, Ivory,Blog, Fashion, Couture, Baby, Toddler, Lace, Silk, White, Pink, Long, Baptismal, Christening, Gown, mother, grandmother, wedding, gown, Vintage, Anagrassia, custom made, Floral, flowers, ruffles, pinafore

  The out­er bap­tismal dress lay­er: Avery’s grand­moth­er’s wed­ding dress (organ­za and flo­ral trim)  The inner bap­tismal lay­er: white stretch silk charmeuse I loved work­ing with Avery’s moth­er and grand­moth­er! They both shared opin­ions on what they liked/wanted, but they also gave me the free­dom to design what I thought would look best.  Ulti­mate­ly, I decid­ed to design some­thing like the grand­moth­er’s wed­ding dress and use as much of the grand­moth­er’s fab­ric as possible. (The...

Chloe’s First Holy Communion Dress from Mother’s Wedding Dress

White Embroidered Communion Dress Recycled Made from Wedding gown flower girl full skirt pink floral

This was one spe­cial dress to make!  Not only was this dress made from her moth­er’s wed­ding dress/skirt, I was also a brides­maid in the wedding! When Chloe arrived for her first fitting/planning ses­sion in Decem­ber, her mom arrived with plans to cre­ate a less poofy A‑line pleat­ed skirt dress. (A design you often see for First Holy Com­mu­nion dresses.) But these plans were quick­ly nixed, when Chloe and her sib­lings spun and danced around...