Silk Skirt Designed by Jo No Fui for Burda & Silk Top

Jo No Fui Alessia Giacobino Silk Skirt Blouse BurdaStyle Marusya

  I want­ed to make some­thing spe­cial to wear to my friend’s rehearsal dinner. Instead of trav­el­ing else­where for fine fabric(s) and spend­ing mon­ey, I tried to find a fab­ric to use from my fab­ric stash.  After search­ing for some­thing sim­ple and clas­sic, I found some beige silks I bought from Mood Fab­rics in NYC last year. I orig­i­nal­ly intend­ed to use the beige silk for a gown. But after using...

Manly Guys: Redefining Masculinity with the Animal Print Fleece Slippers

I’m always up for hav­ing a sewing bud­dy! This time, I teamed up with my mom. A cou­ple weeks back while run­ning errands with my mom, I asked her to swing by the fab­ric store for some mate­ri­als. But lit­tle did I know that she would be shop­ping for fab­ric too! She planned to sew fun socks for my broth­er and his room­mates. Not only was this fab­ric she bought fleece, but it...

Genuine Leather Beagle Keychain ~Marusya

Time is of the essence. Large projects abound! _____________________ In the mean­time, I will post this (almost thrown away) gen­uine leather bea­gle key­chain project! Last month as I surfed the web, I came across a cute leather dog key­chain on ama­zon. This key­chain on ama­zon did­n’t look com­pli­cat­ed, so I fig­ured I’d give it a try! But instead of cre­at­ing a key­chain using one sol­id leather piece, I decid­ed it’d...

October Projects ~Marusya

Ukrainian wedding embroidery

Sep­tem­ber was just as busy as August! How­ev­er, I spent the major­i­ty of my cre­ative time doing alter­ations, sewing hand­bags, pat­tern mak­ing, and work­ing on large projects. Here is a list of some of the projects com­ing up in October! I’ll  like­ly share more details and pic­tures of the projects in future posts. Some of these projects are for wed­dings and I don’t want to give away too much ahead...

The Housecoat for the New Modern Housewife By Marusya

Did I men­tion that dur­ing the wed­ding prep & August sewing mad­ness- I was sewing a house­coat for my sister?! When Kate and I went fab­ric shop­ping for her bridal gown, we found this fab­ric in the clear­ance section!We both fell in love with it! The flo­ral striped fab­ric design looked SOOO much like our pil­low cas­es grow­ing up! Weeks pri­or to her wed­ding, Kate had a bridal show­er. So instead...