Ukrainian Embroidered Blouse Plaid Dress

Ukrainian Embroidered Girls Blouse

Pic­co­las Col­lec­tion Shop Chil­drenswear Fall Clothing We saved the best gar­ment for last. The final piece of the 2018 Pic­coalas fall col­lec­tion is the hand embroi­dered blouse/vyshyvanka. It is a white linen bohemi­an style blouse with black and navy authen­tic Ukrain­ian embroi­dery. The blouse can be pur­chased on the web­site here: Ukrain­ian embroi­dered blouse Cus­tomers can cus­tomize the col­ors and embroi­dery design. Please email Mary Grace if you are inter­est­ed in...

Sustainable Fashion Plaid Jackets, Solid Wool Cape, and Wool Leather Coats for Midwest Family

girls wool coats

What will the world look like in 20 or 30 years? Will peo­ple con­tin­ue to wear dis­pos­able cloth­ing? (The aver­age life span of a gar­ment is 3 years.) Will fast fash­ion com­pa­nies exist? Will the fash­ion indus­try con­tin­ue to be the #2 pol­luter in the world? These are the ques­tions being asked in the fash­ion indus­try right now. Not only are fash­ion com­pa­nies wast­ing mil­lions of pounds of unsold gar­ments...

Burdastyle Charcoal Modal Cotton Cross Over Long Crop Dress

I made this dress for my trip to Europe last year. I heard Euro­peans wear pants and long dress­es, so I made the dress long with side slits.  I did­n’t take pho­tos of the dress in Europe, but I grabbed a few pho­tos when I wore it to a din­ner & dance last May. I don’t like tight dress­es so I made size 38. (I nor­mal­ly wear size 36.) The shoul­ders were a bit too wide...