Sustainable Fashion Plaid Jackets, Solid Wool Cape, and Wool Leather Coats for Midwest Family

girls wool coats

What will the world look like in 20 or 30 years? Will peo­ple con­tin­ue to wear dis­pos­able cloth­ing? (The aver­age life span of a gar­ment is 3 years.) Will fast fash­ion com­pa­nies exist? Will the fash­ion indus­try con­tin­ue to be the #2 pol­luter in the world? These are the ques­tions being asked in the fash­ion indus­try right now. Not only are fash­ion com­pa­nies wast­ing mil­lions of pounds of unsold gar­ments...

Long Floral Kimono Jacket

Long Floral Jacket

Pub­lished April 7, 2018 Hap­py East­er! (Read more about my East­er dress here and Gigi’s East­er dress here) Here are pho­tos of my Flo­ral East­er Jacket.  I used Bur­dastyle’s 08/2016 Coat #116 pat­tern. (Pat­tern adjust­ments: FULLY LINED, SIDE SLITS, LOWER BACK PIECE CUT ON FOLD) I used the Egypt­ian cot­ton lin­ing scraps from Beranger’s jack­et. Work In Progress…Choosing the pock­et design and placement....

Ivory Alencon Lace Bolero Topper for Bride

A custom ivory/white bridal wedding alencon lace topper bolero jacket with three quarter long sleeves and off the shoulder with scallop neckline for winter/fall

Recent­ly, I cre­at­ed a cus­tom #5810 ivory alen­con lace wed­ding bolero for a bride in Colorado.  The top­per’s neck­line was made to show off the lace’s beau­ti­ful scal­lop edge.  It took a cou­ple mock-ups and a few adjust­ments before I nailed down the final design and fit.  The pho­to above shows the last mock-up, before the final cut. As you can see, I need­ed to take it in a bit in the...

Navy Wool and Brown Real Leather Woman’s Custom Jacket

A navy wool cashmere jacket coat with brown real leather with gold buttons for Notre Dame. Bespoke custom tailoring Worn with Ukrainian hand embroidered blouse

Here is a project from ear­li­er this year. It’s anoth­er wool jack­et like my pre­vi­ous jack­ets. The jack­et is 100% navy wool with Eng­lish ray­on lin­ing and real gen­uine (Made in Chica­go) leather cuffs. I love this jack­et and plan to make many more! The lapels and waist pleats make the jack­et very flat­ter­ing and chic. I think the cur­rent but­tons will even­tu­al­ly be replaced with new but­tons that have more...