Part 1 Piccolas by Anagrassia’s “Frontier” Fall Collection: The Kid’s Sports Jacket

Handmade High End Designer Wool Cashmere Tailored Cape Coat Jacket & Leather with Plaid Tartan Skirts Dresses with Ukrainian hand embroidered couture blouses

It’s offi­cial­ly fall in North­ern Indi­ana. Our warm sum­mer nights have tran­si­tioned into crisp cool days. The leaves have lost their vibrant greens and tak­en on a myr­i­ad of amber, gold­en and crim­son hues. A few remain, cling­ing to trees, but most are blan­ket­ing the ground where they’ve fall­en, just wait­ing for an eager child to rake them into piles for jumping. And right down the street, in a shop...

Tan Wool Cashmere Tailored Cape with Lapels & Collar

Handmade Anagrassia Tan Camel Beige Champagne Wool Cashmere Tailored Cape Coat Jacket with beautiful English Rayon. Created with pockets, lapels, slit & collar

This fall & hol­i­day was the sea­son of capes! I made lots of them!  (I will post more pho­tos of capes on the blog soon.) Here is one of the adults capes, which I made for my sis­ter. She chose the Bur­dastyle pat­tern (8/2014 #124) and tan (almost cham­pagne) wool cashmere. It’s a tai­lored cape, so I used bespoke tai­lor­ing tech­niques for the lapels. The com­bi­na­tion of soft, thick, and (some­what)...

So Much Dishonesty in One Photo

The girls in this pho­to were some of my first cus­tomers. I’ll nev­er for­get them because I real­ly enjoyed work­ing with them and they were the first ones to ever wear (and helped design) the #0908 lace leotard. But in just this one screen­shot, you can see so much dishonesty. First, the image was water­marked by 2 (maybe 3) dif­fer­ent Chi­nese companies. Sec­ond, the pho­to is used for anoth­er Etsy...

Niece’s Easter Dress (THOMMY Dress with Hand Painted Lace)

Lace Linen Tulle Flower Girl Unique Dress

Here are a few pho­tos of my niece’s East­er dress this year. It’s the Thom­my Dress design with hand-paint­ed (Style #5284) lace. The Thom­my Dress is made with a detach­able tulle skirt/sash. My niece’s dress (below) was made with­out the tulle attach­ment. Shop the dress here...

Dmitri’s Ukrainian Embroidered Christening Gown with Lace and Silk Lining

ukrainian embroidered boys baptismal gown

I made this bap­tismal gown last spring for my nephew, Dmitri. It’s sim­i­lar to the gown I made my oth­er nephew (and oth­ers), except my sis­ter chose bold col­ors instead of sil­vers, whites, and blues. The gown is hand embroi­dered with a tra­di­tion­al Ukrain­ian pat­tern and silk lined.        ...

The NEW Bergé (Flower Girl) Dress

Flower girl dress lace embroidery bubble

Here are some pho­tos of the new Bergé Dress. (Some pho­tos show the ear­ly skirt sam­ples- with no embroi­dery and dif­fer­ent fabrics.) Ukrain­ian East­er eggs, Impe­r­i­al Fabergé eggs and Beranger, a musi­cian who I worked with while I final­ized the dress design, inspired the design and name, Bergé. This design is for the fun and chic girls!  There’s a sep­a­rate pet­ti­coat to wear under the skirt- for a fuller/bubble appear­ance. (Gigi is not wear­ing the pet­ti­coat in the b/w...