Flower Girl Dress for Canadian Wedding

Lace tulle flower girl dress

A cou­ple beau­ti­ful pho­tos tak­en by cana­di­an pho­tog­ra­ph­er, Megan Kemshead Pho­tograpy. The wed­ding was in Edmon­ton at the styl­ish and time­less wed­ding venue, Fair­mont Hotel Mac­don­ald. The flower girl is wear­ing the top sell­ing flower girl dress design, which is a lace body­suit and tutu. Lace Flower Girl Dress Details: ~#5320 Ivory Lace Leo­tard with cap and unlined sleeves ~Lace body­suit is ful­ly lined with #6 light nude poly/rayon ~One­sie has...

Ukrainian Embroidered Blouse Plaid Dress

Ukrainian Embroidered Girls Blouse

Pic­co­las Col­lec­tion Shop Chil­drenswear Fall Clothing We saved the best gar­ment for last. The final piece of the 2018 Pic­coalas fall col­lec­tion is the hand embroi­dered blouse/vyshyvanka. It is a white linen bohemi­an style blouse with black and navy authen­tic Ukrain­ian embroi­dery. The blouse can be pur­chased on the web­site here: Ukrain­ian embroi­dered blouse Cus­tomers can cus­tomize the col­ors and embroi­dery design. Please email Mary Grace if you are inter­est­ed in...

Lace Bridal Leotards & Bodysuits for Adults

alencon lace bodysuit

*~The lace leo­tards are cus­tom made and will fit the cus­tomer bet­ter than the sam­ple leo­tards pic­tured on mod­els seen in most blog photos~* _____________________________ If you are inter­est­ed in pur­chas­ing a cus­tom made (& hand­made) adult bridal leotard/bodysuit, please con­tact me (Mary Grace0 via email or con­tact form for the cur­rent cat­a­log and order form. I’m cur­rent­ly only accept­ing orders via Pay­pal invoicing. (Etsy shop is tem­porar­i­ly closed until December.) __________ R E...

White & Ivory Handmade First Holy Communion Dresses

Communion dress lace

The way my moth­er remem­bers it, I was not a fan of my First Holy Com­mu­nion dress. The very sim­ple short sleeve lace dress (my mom picked out for me) did not cut it for me back in sec­ond grade. Even though I can agree with my mom now that the dress was per­fect for my style & per­son­al­i­ty, I was not hap­py with her back then! I dis­liked the...

Silk Tulle Wedding Veil & Choosing Your Wedding Veil Fabric

English French Netting Long Cathedral length Wedding Veil White with lace

Wedding Veil Silk I was recent­ly com­mis­sioned to make a wed­ding veil. Pri­or to this order, I didn’t know very much about veils and I cer­tain­ly didn’t real­ize there were so many options and design pos­si­bil­i­ties. (It is so involved that you may want to decide upon a veil style and fab­ric before you buy or design your dress!) Let’s dis­cuss the options available!  __________________ ILLUSION TULLE The inex­pen­sive veils are made with...

Communion Style Lace and Tulle Dress for Canadian Flower Girl

Anagrassia  specializes in custom designer ivory lace tutu tulle dresses for girls' special occasions such as (flower girls) wedding, bat mitzvahs, Communion

I’m for­tu­nate to have made mul­ti­ple pieces for return­ing girls and fam­i­lies over the years.  Here is one such fam­i­ly, which I’ve had the plea­sure work­ing with to cre­ate cus­tom gar­ments for their spe­cial occasions/events: “K” is wear­ing a #5320 Com­mu­nion Style dress as a flower girl for a wed­ding in Cana­da. The bodice is cre­at­ed with cus­tom ordered ivory French alen­con (#5320) lace and gold shim­mery ray­on lin­ing. The sleeves...