Long Floral Kimono Jacket

Long Floral Jacket

Pub­lished April 7, 2018 Hap­py East­er! (Read more about my East­er dress here and Gigi’s East­er dress here) Here are pho­tos of my Flo­ral East­er Jacket.  I used Bur­dastyle’s 08/2016 Coat #116 pat­tern. (Pat­tern adjust­ments: FULLY LINED, SIDE SLITS, LOWER BACK PIECE CUT ON FOLD) I used the Egypt­ian cot­ton lin­ing scraps from Beranger’s jack­et. Work In Progress…Choosing the pock­et design and placement....

White Silk Wool Clerical Priest Roman Style Stole

White Silk Wool Hand Embroidered Clerical Stole Roman Style with Pink Gold Red Thread for Irish Priest Rome Vatican Bespoke Ivory Latin Mass Orthodox Ukrainian

Stoles are a sign of one being ordained in the Catholic Church. So it’s only fit­ting for a new priest to receive a spe­cial hand-embroi­dered stole for his ordination. This stole was com­mis­sioned for an ordi­na­tion gift in Scotland. It’s made with silk wool tex­tile and inter­lined with hair canvas.  The embroi­dery was cre­at­ed by hand from old tra­di­tion­al eth­nic (Ukrain­ian) pat­terns. As you can see below, we test­ed dif­fer­ent...

Ukrainian Hand Embroidered and Italian Calf Leather Luxury Handbags

One of a kind luxury designer hand Ukrainian blue green embroidered wristlet purse handbag with cognac or brown italian calf leather with zipper by Anagrassia

Here are some Ukrain­ian hand embroi­dered purs­es I’ve made over the years for fam­i­ly and friends.  Shop your very own one-of-a-kind purse on the Ana­gras­sia web­site here: Ukrain­ian embroi­dered leather handbag Hand­bag Details:  9.5″ x 6″ Ukrain­ian Hand Embroi­dery (Choose your colors) Real Ital­ian or Argen­tin­ian Cognac Calf (Very High Qual­i­ty) Leather Strap & Back  Ful­ly Lined  Inside Pock­et  Shop your very own one-of-a-kind purse on the Ana­gras­sia web­site here: Ukrain­ian embroi­dered leather handbag...

Navy Wool and Brown Real Leather Woman’s Custom Jacket

A navy wool cashmere jacket coat with brown real leather with gold buttons for Notre Dame. Bespoke custom tailoring Worn with Ukrainian hand embroidered blouse

Here is a project from ear­li­er this year. It’s anoth­er wool jack­et like my pre­vi­ous jack­ets. The jack­et is 100% navy wool with Eng­lish ray­on lin­ing and real gen­uine (Made in Chica­go) leather cuffs. I love this jack­et and plan to make many more! The lapels and waist pleats make the jack­et very flat­ter­ing and chic. I think the cur­rent but­tons will even­tu­al­ly be replaced with new but­tons that have more...

Blush and Gold Hand Embroidered Ukrainian Linen and Lace Baptismal Gown for Baby Girl

floral embroidered bapstimal gown

This morn­ing, I would like to share a project I start­ed dur­ing the hol­i­days and fin­ished in Jan­u­ary. It’s a cus­tom ordered girl’s Ukrain­ian bap­tismal gown. The embroi­dery was made by hand and then hand sewn to the hand­made linen gar­ment. The gown and cap are lined with silk charmeuse. The lace used along the hem is from France. This design will improve and change over time.I plan to start...

Hand Painted Lace Leotard

Flower Girl Dress

For the third year in a row, I’ve had the hon­or to make Miss Cata­leya’s birth­day leo­tard. This year, she chose the hand paint­ed lace #5284 leo­tard with bright orange and yel­low flo­rals and back cham­pagne but­tons. The body­suit is lined with shim­mery gold rayon. This piece is cus­tom made and part of the House of God­frey Col­lec­tion. Shop the leo­tard on the Ana­gras­sia web­site here (Ana­gras­sia tulle skirt is pic­tured...