Ivory Alencon Lace Bolero Topper for Bride

A custom ivory/white bridal wedding alencon lace topper bolero jacket with three quarter long sleeves and off the shoulder with scallop neckline for winter/fall

Recent­ly, I cre­at­ed a cus­tom #5810 ivory alen­con lace wed­ding bolero for a bride in Colorado.  The top­per’s neck­line was made to show off the lace’s beau­ti­ful scal­lop edge.  It took a cou­ple mock-ups and a few adjust­ments before I nailed down the final design and fit.  The pho­to above shows the last mock-up, before the final cut. As you can see, I need­ed to take it in a bit in the...

Blush and Gold Hand Embroidered Ukrainian Linen and Lace Baptismal Gown for Baby Girl

floral embroidered bapstimal gown

This morn­ing, I would like to share a project I start­ed dur­ing the hol­i­days and fin­ished in Jan­u­ary. It’s a cus­tom ordered girl’s Ukrain­ian bap­tismal gown. The embroi­dery was made by hand and then hand sewn to the hand­made linen gar­ment. The gown and cap are lined with silk charmeuse. The lace used along the hem is from France. This design will improve and change over time.I plan to start...

Niece’s Easter Dress (THOMMY Dress with Hand Painted Lace)

Lace Linen Tulle Flower Girl Unique Dress

Here are a few pho­tos of my niece’s East­er dress this year. It’s the Thom­my Dress design with hand-paint­ed (Style #5284) lace. The Thom­my Dress is made with a detach­able tulle skirt/sash. My niece’s dress (below) was made with­out the tulle attach­ment. Shop the dress here...