Baby Shower Gift: 12 Vests for Each Month of the First Year

baby shower gift idea vests

Pub­lished 07/06/2014 Can you remem­ber a child­hood fash­ion mis­take? Not that it was a real mis­take, because you did mean to wear it. But rather some­thing so bad­ly put togeth­er you wish your moth­er would have stopped you before you got out the door.  I can cer­tain­ly remem­ber mine — and my sis­ter Tess’. My sis­ter real­ly liked to wear vests. There was a peri­od of time when she would always...

Preparing for Easter 2014

This is by far my least favorite time of the year. Between giv­ing up dai­ly plea­sures dur­ing Lent, doing tax­es, and the gloomy weath­er, I dread March and ear­ly April! Despite all these things, there’s one thing that does light­en the mood…sewing my 2014 East­er dress! Again I’m design­ing an East­er dress inspired by my babcha. This time I’m using some of her old fab­ric rather than spend­ing count­less hours doing...

The Housecoat for the New Modern Housewife By Marusya

Did I men­tion that dur­ing the wed­ding prep & August sewing mad­ness- I was sewing a house­coat for my sister?! When Kate and I went fab­ric shop­ping for her bridal gown, we found this fab­ric in the clear­ance section!We both fell in love with it! The flo­ral striped fab­ric design looked SOOO much like our pil­low cas­es grow­ing up! Weeks pri­or to her wed­ding, Kate had a bridal show­er. So instead...