Dark Green Bridesmaid Dress

custom dark green silk bridesmaid dress

Wedding designer ethically handcrafts her sister's custom matron of honor column bridesmaid dress with dark green floral silk. Gown paired with a satin wool shawl.

Maid of Honor Dress and More Wedding Photos (Part 2 of 3)

Custom made dress by Anagrassia Marusya August wedding red and white Ukrainian theme

I quick­ly fin­ished my “Maid of Hon­or” dress before the wed­ding. I did­n’t have the time or ener­gy to think hard about what kind of top I should design. Instead, I free hand­ed a sim­ple bodice pat­tern for the top por­tion of the dress. I plan to use the embroi­dery piece for a more tra­di­tion­al Ukrain­ian blouse, so I was­n’t too con­cerned about fit or quality. The skirt hem­line was...