White Silk Wool Clerical Priest Roman Style Stole

White Silk Wool Hand Embroidered Clerical Stole Roman Style with Pink Gold Red Thread for Irish Priest Rome Vatican Bespoke Ivory Latin Mass Orthodox Ukrainian

Stoles are a sign of one being ordained in the Catholic Church. So it’s only fit­ting for a new priest to receive a spe­cial hand-embroi­dered stole for his ordination. This stole was com­mis­sioned for an ordi­na­tion gift in Scotland. It’s made with silk wool tex­tile and inter­lined with hair canvas.  The embroi­dery was cre­at­ed by hand from old tra­di­tion­al eth­nic (Ukrain­ian) pat­terns. As you can see below, we test­ed dif­fer­ent...

Burdastyle Charcoal Modal Cotton Cross Over Long Crop Dress

I made this dress for my trip to Europe last year. I heard Euro­peans wear pants and long dress­es, so I made the dress long with side slits.  I did­n’t take pho­tos of the dress in Europe, but I grabbed a few pho­tos when I wore it to a din­ner & dance last May. I don’t like tight dress­es so I made size 38. (I nor­mal­ly wear size 36.) The shoul­ders were a bit too wide...