Floral Embroidered Face Mask

Purple and green hand embroidered face mask with Ukrainian design

A beau­ti­ful & hand embroi­dered face mask for women using authen­tic & tra­di­tion­al Ukrain­ian embroi­dery designs. This flo­ral design uses col­ors: pur­ple, lilac, pink, magen­ta, green, yel­low, and lime. It’s made-to-order, so it’ll shipped out 1.5–3 weeks after the order is placed. Shop this mask here: Flo­ral Ukrain­ian Face Mask Ukrainian Embroidered Face Mask: ~Cot­ton Aida Cloth~Linen Lin­ing~DMC 100% Cot­ton Thread made in France~Open­ing for a fil­ter~1/8″ Elas­tic Bands These masks are not...

Hand Embroidered Face Masks

Rainbow embroidered face mask with Ukrainian embroidery

Rainbow Embroidered Face Mask A bright face mask made using an authen­tic & tra­di­tion­al Ukrain­ian embroi­dery design. The hand­made face cov­er­ing uses a vari­a­tion of red, orange, yel­low, green, and black threads that are cross stitched on 100% cotton. Ukraini­ans are known to hand embroi­der EVERYTHING, so it’s no sur­prise that more and more Ukraini­ans are sport­ing embroi­dery on their face masks. With the manda­to­ry face mask laws in place until...

Ukrainian Hand Embroidered and Italian Calf Leather Luxury Handbags

One of a kind luxury designer hand Ukrainian blue green embroidered wristlet purse handbag with cognac or brown italian calf leather with zipper by Anagrassia

Here are some Ukrain­ian hand embroi­dered purs­es I’ve made over the years for fam­i­ly and friends.  Shop your very own one-of-a-kind purse on the Ana­gras­sia web­site here: Ukrain­ian embroi­dered leather handbag Hand­bag Details:  9.5″ x 6″ Ukrain­ian Hand Embroi­dery (Choose your colors) Real Ital­ian or Argen­tin­ian Cognac Calf (Very High Qual­i­ty) Leather Strap & Back  Ful­ly Lined  Inside Pock­et  Shop your very own one-of-a-kind purse on the Ana­gras­sia web­site here: Ukrain­ian embroi­dered leather handbag...

Dmitri’s Ukrainian Embroidered Christening Gown with Lace and Silk Lining

ukrainian embroidered boys baptismal gown

I made this bap­tismal gown last spring for my nephew, Dmitri. It’s sim­i­lar to the gown I made my oth­er nephew (and oth­ers), except my sis­ter chose bold col­ors instead of sil­vers, whites, and blues. The gown is hand embroi­dered with a tra­di­tion­al Ukrain­ian pat­tern and silk lined.        ...