Flower Girl Dresses: #5810 Ivory Alencon Lace Leotards and Tulle Skirts for Fall or Winter Weddings

Alencon ivory white lace leotard bridal wedding flower girl dress

~Of all the laces I have in stock, this #5810 IVORY alen­con lace is favorite! ~ANAGRASSIA PRICES INCREASE FALL 2015 ~ Please read WINTER 2015 FLOWER GIRL & 2015 Spring Flower Girl Dress­es posts to learn more about the dresses. ~ This blog post show­cas­es the Ivory #5810 lace leotard. If you want the cur­rent lace & dress options, please email me at [email protected]. I will send you a Pay­pal invoice when you’re ready to order!...

Wedding Season in the Anagrassia Studio

Anagrassia, Atelier, Seamstress, Dressmaker, Studio, Tutus, tulle, skirts, peonies, white, wedding, ivory, champagne, Malen'Ka, Collection

It’s busy wed­ding sea­son in the studio! Here are some Ana­gras­sia updates: ~ Please order by mid June if you need dress­es for an August wedding.  I’m tak­ing about 3 weeks off from tulle skirts and leo­tards in July. I’ll be work­ing on my fall designs and tai­lor­ing projects. ~If you’re inter­est­ed in order­ing an Ana­gras­sia dress from me, please look at the FAQ’s on the new Ana­gras­sia web­site. ~Remem­ber to con­tact me...

Anagrassia Malen’Ka Collection: Catherine Dress

Blue Colorful Floral Pin Tuck Baby Summer Dress

Malen’­Ka is my new  means tiny in Ukrain­ian. My Ukrain­ian & vin­tage inspired col­lec­tion is a RTW (Ready to Wear) cloth­ing col­lec­tion for babies and tod­dlers.  Malen’­ka col­lec­tion pieces sell in small batch­es. (No cus­tom orders accepted.) Every­thing is hand­made by designer/seamstress/owner, Mary Grace. SHOP HERE Prod­uct Details: Hand­made by Mary Grace 100% Cot­ton Dress (The fab­ric is pre-shrunk and washed in baby detergent.) Dress Details- Back But­tons, Pin Tucks, and Peter Pan Eye­let Collar...

Happy Mother’s Day

Ukrainian floral green girls dress with pin tucks peter pan collar

Every year my mom says she does­n’t want any­thing (except a clean house) for Moth­er’s Day. So this year, I took the flo­ral and white eye­let fab­ric she bought (which remind­ed her of Ukrain­ian scarves) and made her grand­daugh­ter a dress! Hap­py Moth­er’s Day Mom­cha! Thank you for all your love & sup­port! I love you! Dress Details: ~Cot­ton Flo­ral Fab­ric (about 1 yard used) ~White Cot­ton Eye­let Fab­ric for Peter Pan Collar ~Back...

Easter 2015 Burdastyle Ukrainian Embroidered Linen Crop Top and Skirt

Ukrainian Embroidered Linen dress crop top

Krys­tos Voskres! Hap­py Easter! I knew I want­ed to make this Bur­dastyle out­fit as soon as saw it in the month­ly Bur­dastyle mag­a­zine! How­ev­er it wasn’t until 2.5 weeks before East­er, that I received my linen in the mail and began embroi­der­ing the crop top/blouse. My won­der­ful moth­er came to my res­cue by embroi­der­ing the dark red skele­ton of the design. This part of the embroi­dery takes more time and...

Isabel’s Floral Coat for Easter and First Communion

girls floral spring coat

This chil­dren’s flo­ral jack­et was made for one of my First Holy Com­mu­nion cus­tomers.  (I’ll post pho­tos of her dress and veil lat­er this week!) I absolute­ly love how this jack­et turned out! I made a sim­i­lar jack­et for myself (see the jack­et here) last spring. At first I was wor­ried that the flo­ral print would be too large for a chil­dren’s jack­et, but I was wrong! I love this flo­ral print...