Blush and Gold Hand Embroidered Ukrainian Linen and Lace Baptismal Gown for Baby Girl

floral embroidered bapstimal gown

This morn­ing, I would like to share a project I start­ed dur­ing the hol­i­days and fin­ished in Jan­u­ary. It’s a cus­tom ordered girl’s Ukrain­ian bap­tismal gown. The embroi­dery was made by hand and then hand sewn to the hand­made linen gar­ment. The gown and cap are lined with silk charmeuse. The lace used along the hem is from France. This design will improve and change over time.I plan to start...

Part 1 Piccolas by Anagrassia’s “Frontier” Fall Collection: The Kid’s Sports Jacket

Handmade High End Designer Wool Cashmere Tailored Cape Coat Jacket & Leather with Plaid Tartan Skirts Dresses with Ukrainian hand embroidered couture blouses

It’s offi­cial­ly fall in North­ern Indi­ana. Our warm sum­mer nights have tran­si­tioned into crisp cool days. The leaves have lost their vibrant greens and tak­en on a myr­i­ad of amber, gold­en and crim­son hues. A few remain, cling­ing to trees, but most are blan­ket­ing the ground where they’ve fall­en, just wait­ing for an eager child to rake them into piles for jumping. And right down the street, in a shop...

Dmitri’s Ukrainian Embroidered Christening Gown with Lace and Silk Lining

ukrainian embroidered boys baptismal gown

I made this bap­tismal gown last spring for my nephew, Dmitri. It’s sim­i­lar to the gown I made my oth­er nephew (and oth­ers), except my sis­ter chose bold col­ors instead of sil­vers, whites, and blues. The gown is hand embroi­dered with a tra­di­tion­al Ukrain­ian pat­tern and silk lined.        ...

Ukrainian Boys Baptismal Embroidered Gown

Ukrain­ian embroi­dered white linen boys bap­tismal gowns inspired by the gowns my babcha cre­at­ed (many years ago) and cas­socks worn by priests. The gown is lined with white silk charmeuse. Before the hand­made thread ties Pin­tucks One of the gowns was made with a lighter weight linen ____________________ One of the gowns cre­at­ed by my babcha many years ago...

Avery’s Silk Lined Baptismal Gown Made from Grandmother’s Wedding Dress

Handmade, Sewing, Ivory,Blog, Fashion, Couture, Baby, Toddler, Lace, Silk, White, Pink, Long, Baptismal, Christening, Gown, mother, grandmother, wedding, gown, Vintage, Anagrassia, custom made, Floral, flowers, ruffles, pinafore

  The out­er bap­tismal dress lay­er: Avery’s grand­moth­er’s wed­ding dress (organ­za and flo­ral trim)  The inner bap­tismal lay­er: white stretch silk charmeuse I loved work­ing with Avery’s moth­er and grand­moth­er! They both shared opin­ions on what they liked/wanted, but they also gave me the free­dom to design what I thought would look best.  Ulti­mate­ly, I decid­ed to design some­thing like the grand­moth­er’s wed­ding dress and use as much of the grand­moth­er’s fab­ric as possible. (The...