Silk Baptismal Gown

silk pleated heirloom baptismal gown inspired by joan of arc

“Saint Michael the Archangel,defend us in battle.Be our pro­tec­tion against the wicked­ness and snares of the devil.May God rebuke him, we humbly pray;and do Thou, O Prince of the Heav­en­ly Host,by the Divine Pow­er of God,cast into hell Satan and all the evil spir­itswho roam through­out the world seek­ing the ruin of souls. Amen.” Silk Christening Gown This pleat­ed Ana­gras­sia bap­tismal gown is inspired by “Joan of Arc” and the Saint...

Boys Ukrainian Baptismal Gown

boys Ukrainian embroidered baptismal gown

Dur­ing the Coro­n­avirus shut­down, the world was shel­tered in place and the church­es were forced to close. Even though the world isn’t ful­ly opened at this point, we are slow­ly reopen­ing. It’s real­ly nice to have our church­es open and the sacra­ments admin­is­tered again.  In the last few weeks, I received pho­tos from (old) cus­tomers and friends who bap­tized their new­borns in Ana­gras­sia gowns passed down through their fam­i­lies. (Thank you...