Winter 2015 Anagrassia Leotard Options For Flower Girl Dresses

Champagne Chantilly lace leotard onesie flower girl dress

Please place your sum­mer bridal orders before June 15. I’m tak­ing an indef­i­nite break  from bridal orders to rest and plan for the fall season. My flower girl dress­es are leo­tards + very poofy tulle skirts. (They are basi­cal­ly mini ball gown dress­es.) The skirts have 13–15 lay­ers of tulle and take a large amount of time and mate­ri­als to make. (They are not the skirts that have tulle tied around an elas­tic waist­band.)...

The Cascade Champagne Silk Wool and Silk Charmeuse Dress

Silk Wool charmeuse champagne long dress crossover cascade gown Cascade Champagne Silk Wool & Silk Charmeuse Dress I really don’t know what I was thinking when I decided to enter Burdastyle’s pattern challenge and downloaded their cascade dress pattern. Not only did I think I would have time to sew the dress, but I also planned to embroider its top crossover edge.! Fortunately, I was able to bypass sleep and finish sewing the dress just before the deadline. However I was unable to finish the embroidery. At this point, I’m not sure if I will add its embroidery.. (I think I will save it for a dress I know I’ll wear more often.) I don’t particularly like this dress. There are too many details going on. And I really don’t like the ruffle on the shoulder. Perhaps I’m boring, but I feel like I’m a mermaid with a seashell on my shoulder. (I had one sister laugh and call it a croissant, while another sister called it a perogi.) If it weren’t a Burdastyle pattern challenge, I probably would have eliminated the ruffle, (with no hesitation). I recently received this really special Christmas gift from my aunt. It’s a necklace with a photo of my babcha (grandmother)on one side and photo of my dido (grandfather) on the other side. The top bodice is lined with ivory silk charmeuse. Originally the skirt was lined with ivory silk charmeuse too, but I ultimately eliminated it. The two silk layers did not fall nicely together and it created more bulk at the hip. (This was a headache considering I had to seam rip everything apart and then hand-stitch the skirt edges again!!)

I real­ly don’t know what I was think­ing when I decid­ed to enter Bur­daStyle’s pat­tern chal­lenge and down­loaded their cas­cade dress pat­tern. Not only did I think I would have time to sew the dress, but I also planned to embroi­der its top crossover edge! (Vote for your favorite dress here) For­tu­nate­ly, I was able to bypass sleep and fin­ish sewing the dress just before the dead­line. How­ev­er I was unable...