Boyfriend Style Women’s Blazer

Boyfriend Style Women's Blazer

Long Cashmere Blazer for Women Pub­lished 11/30/2017 Back to our Roots Those of us born in the 80’s like­ly feel a strong attach­ment to the decade. And just as we who lean on our moth­ers for sup­port as we become moth­ers our­selves might begin to resem­ble them, we who have added Adi­das Orig­i­nals to our wardrobes are also dress­ing like them too. Espe­cial­ly in our fam­i­ly where my father, who played pro­fes­sion­al...

The (Unsuccessful) Navy Leather & Cashmere Notre Dame Inspired Winter Coat for “Croc”

Navy Cashmere leather long collared winter coat anagrassia quilted lining

Thank you Tess & Gigi for taking these photos on our walk last week. Photography by Anastassia I always knew “Croc” would remain one of my best friends after col­lege. She used to share her crois­sant ends with me at Star­bucks dur­ing our fresh­man year at Notre Dame. Yes, you heard me right — “crois­sant ends.” Almost every Tues­day and Thurs­day before our His­to­ry class togeth­er, we used to grab Star­bucks cof­fee...

Sportula DIY Project & Super Bowl XLVIII

The super bowl is just hours away! Not only is the Super Bowl a very big deal in my fam­i­ly, but it’s the num­ber 1 watched event in Amer­i­ca! So whether you’re stay­ing at home, going to a par­ty, or going to the big game, you must choose a team to root for! Even though I like Man­ning, my bets are on the Sea­hawks!  I chose Seat­tle because my fam­i­ly spent about...