Plaid Jacket for Kids

Plaid wool kids jackets

(Writ­ten Fall 2018. Post­ed late on the blog.)  Next on the piece fea­tured in the Fron­tier Col­lec­tion by Pic­co­las by Ana­gras­sia is the plaid jack­et for kids. The tar­tan coat is made with a brown and green lum­bar jack style wool tex­tile. The design is made with gold cuffs and a wide col­lar. The fall out­wear is intend­ed with girls in mind, but it is also great for boys. Shop check coat...

Ukrainian Vyshyvanka

Ukrainian embroidered linen dresses

Hand Embroidered Ukrainian Shirts and Dresses Pub­lished 20/23/2018 Here are just a few absolute­ly stun­ning pho­tos of my sis­ter’s fam­i­ly photoshoot. Each piece was embroi­dered by my mom. My grand­moth­er sewed the adult vyshy­van­ka dress around 35 years ago and I sewed the girls’ vyshy­van­ka dress­es and the baby’s bap­tismal gown, which my sis­ter stuffed in his pants. The pho­tos were tak­en by Indi­ana pho­tog­ra­ph­er Adi­na Brown-Sel­ner. Her pho­tog­ra­phy busi­ness is called...

Green Plaid Girl’s Dress

green plaid girls dress

(Writ­ten Fall 2018. Post­ed late on the blog.)  Today, we show Ivan­ka in the dark green and orange/red plaid drop waist dress for the Pic­co­las Fron­tier Collection. The girl’s hol­i­day jumper is 100% cotton. There are faux leather but­tons that run down the back and the ver­ti­cal and hor­i­zon­tal stripes match per­fect­ly through­out the pleat­ed dress design. This dress is a great wardrobe piece for fall or winter. Pair it with...

Baby Shower Gift: 12 Vests for Each Month of the First Year

baby shower gift idea vests

Pub­lished 07/06/2014 Can you remem­ber a child­hood fash­ion mis­take? Not that it was a real mis­take, because you did mean to wear it. But rather some­thing so bad­ly put togeth­er you wish your moth­er would have stopped you before you got out the door.  I can cer­tain­ly remem­ber mine — and my sis­ter Tess’. My sis­ter real­ly liked to wear vests. There was a peri­od of time when she would always...

Ukrainian Embroidered Blouse Plaid Dress

Ukrainian Embroidered Girls Blouse

Pic­co­las Col­lec­tion Shop Chil­drenswear Fall Clothing We saved the best gar­ment for last. The final piece of the 2018 Pic­coalas fall col­lec­tion is the hand embroi­dered blouse/vyshyvanka. It is a white linen bohemi­an style blouse with black and navy authen­tic Ukrain­ian embroi­dery. The blouse can be pur­chased on the web­site here: Ukrain­ian embroi­dered blouse Cus­tomers can cus­tomize the col­ors and embroi­dery design. Please email Mary Grace if you are inter­est­ed in...