Long Floral Jacket with Genuine Leather Details and Pockets

Think Spring  Even Though It’s Winter I made this spring flo­ral jack­et while cooped up dur­ing last week’s bliz­zard. The space heater, fin­ger­less gloves, hot choco­late, and fleece socks kept me warm in the ‑14 degrees! Con­tact me if you want a spring jack­et for your­self (you can pick the fab­ric)! ______________________________ Join my Marusya Marusya sub­scriber list and you’ll be entered for future contests! If your part­ner is not...

Little Black Velvet Dress

What makes a hol­i­day even bet­ter than any ordi­nary day? Design­ing your very own out­fit for the day! As much as I loved cre­at­ing my East­er out­fits over the years, I nev­er attempt­ed to cre­ate my own Christmas/holiday par­ty dress­es.  Typ­i­cal­ly I’m swamped with work and usu­al­ly wear slacks because of the freez­ing tem­per­a­tures! So regard­less of those things, this year I made it my goal to start & fin­ish a dress for...

Ukrainian Wedding Attire

Ukrainian wedding embroidery

“Some Will like you, Some People Won’t like you, So What. Next!” (SWSWSWN) This is a phrase my dad heard and passed on to me ( and it con­tin­ues to echo in my head). When I first stepped into the real world after col­lege, I was hard on myself each time I dropped a lead, par­tic­u­lar job, or client. But over time and expe­ri­ence, I’ve come to under­stand SWSWSWN and...

Gifts: Floral Silk Scarf and Block M Genuine Leather Purses

One of my favorite scarves is acrylic. How­ev­er if I wear it for too long, it makes me sweat and agi­tates my skin. So when I was out shop­ping for gifts (in par­tic­u­lar scarfs), I searched for ones made of nat­ur­al fab­rics, but they were dif­fi­cult to find. It’s a shame because there were some scarfs with beau­ti­ful design! So instead, I bought some silk and made the scarfs myself! I...

Silk Skirt Designed by Jo No Fui for Burda & Silk Top

Jo No Fui Alessia Giacobino Silk Skirt Blouse BurdaStyle Marusya

  I want­ed to make some­thing spe­cial to wear to my friend’s rehearsal dinner. Instead of trav­el­ing else­where for fine fabric(s) and spend­ing mon­ey, I tried to find a fab­ric to use from my fab­ric stash.  After search­ing for some­thing sim­ple and clas­sic, I found some beige silks I bought from Mood Fab­rics in NYC last year. I orig­i­nal­ly intend­ed to use the beige silk for a gown. But after using...

Mother of the Bride Dress & DIY Ukrainian Wedding Part 3

I love look­ing through old pho­to albums, but it’s espe­cial­ly fun when they con­tain old pho­tos of my parents! I can remem­ber the first time I saw this pho­to of my par­ents on their wed­ding day. I was a young girl and I nev­er for­got it! So, I thought it would be fun to dig it up and scan it for the blog post today! My mom’s moth­er of the bride...