Pray for Ukraine

Ukrainian Catholic University Benefit Chicago Ruslana Lyzhychko Maidan Anagrassia

Last Sun­day, my mom and I attend­ed a Ukrain­ian Catholic Uni­ver­si­ty fundrais­er in Chica­go, Illi­nois. After singing both the Unit­ed State’s nation­al anthem and Ukraine’s nation­al anthem before the cer­e­mo­ny, my mom shared some­thing inter­est­ing with me. She said, “When we sing the nation­al anthem in Amer­i­ca, we thank God for our free­dom, while the Ukrain­ian nation­al anthem prays for free­dom: ‘We’ll lay down our souls and bod­ies to attain...

The (Unsuccessful) Navy Leather & Cashmere Notre Dame Inspired Winter Coat for “Croc”

Navy Cashmere leather long collared winter coat anagrassia quilted lining

Thank you Tess & Gigi for taking these photos on our walk last week. Photography by Anastassia I always knew “Croc” would remain one of my best friends after col­lege. She used to share her crois­sant ends with me at Star­bucks dur­ing our fresh­man year at Notre Dame. Yes, you heard me right — “crois­sant ends.” Almost every Tues­day and Thurs­day before our His­to­ry class togeth­er, we used to grab Star­bucks cof­fee...

Sewing with Silks Webinar on Burdastyle

how to sew, preshrink, wash and cut silk burdastyle webinar

Sign-up for the webi­nar I’m giv­ing on Bur­dastyle this Thurs­day! This webi­nar is for begin­ners and inter­me­di­ate sew­ers. (But if you’re an expe­ri­enced seam­stress, you might learn a cou­ple new tricks.)  If you strug­gle with get­ting your ten­sion right on your machine (both domes­tic and indus­tri­al machines), this is the course for you too!  Course Descrip­tion: Do you have piles of silk build­ing up in your fab­ric stash? Are you unsure how...

Michael’s Pink and Gray Formal Vest for Graduation & Birthday

“Thanks to the girls in his life, this dash­ing young man looked sharp for his 8th grade graduation!”   I love menswear! When I was approached to make my brother’s grad­u­a­tion vest, I was more than hap­py to accept the ‘order!’ My broth­er is pret­ty thick for his age so it’s hard enough for him to find clothes that fit, let alone clothes that fit & are fash­ion­able. For­tu­nate­ly, he...