Flower Girl Dresses: #5810 Ivory Alencon Lace Leotards and Tulle Skirts for Fall or Winter Weddings

Alencon ivory white lace leotard bridal wedding flower girl dress

~Of all the laces I have in stock, this #5810 IVORY alen­con lace is favorite! ~ANAGRASSIA PRICES INCREASE FALL 2015 ~ Please read WINTER 2015 FLOWER GIRL & 2015 Spring Flower Girl Dress­es posts to learn more about the dresses. ~ This blog post show­cas­es the Ivory #5810 lace leotard. If you want the cur­rent lace & dress options, please email me at [email protected]. I will send you a Pay­pal invoice when you’re ready to order!...

Spring 2015 Flower Girl Dresses & Customer Photos

Champagne ivory tulle skirt leotard chantilly lace flower girl

Below I list some recent bridal dress designs & cus­tomer sub­mit­ted photos. Notes about Ana­gras­sia Bridal Dress­es: ~ Please read WINTER 2015 FLOWER GIRL post to learn more about the dresses. ~ Some of the more expen­sive lace leo­tards are not list­ed on Etsy. (They will be list­ed on the Ana­gras­sia web­site lat­er this summer.) If you want the cur­rent lace & dress options, please email me at [email protected]. I will...

Wedding Season in the Anagrassia Studio

Anagrassia, Atelier, Seamstress, Dressmaker, Studio, Tutus, tulle, skirts, peonies, white, wedding, ivory, champagne, Malen'Ka, Collection

It’s busy wed­ding sea­son in the studio! Here are some Ana­gras­sia updates: ~ Please order by mid June if you need dress­es for an August wedding.  I’m tak­ing about 3 weeks off from tulle skirts and leo­tards in July. I’ll be work­ing on my fall designs and tai­lor­ing projects. ~If you’re inter­est­ed in order­ing an Ana­gras­sia dress from me, please look at the FAQ’s on the new Ana­gras­sia web­site. ~Remem­ber to con­tact me...

Easter 2015 Burdastyle Ukrainian Embroidered Linen Crop Top and Skirt

Ukrainian Embroidered Linen dress crop top

Krys­tos Voskres! Hap­py Easter! I knew I want­ed to make this Bur­dastyle out­fit as soon as saw it in the month­ly Bur­dastyle mag­a­zine! How­ev­er it wasn’t until 2.5 weeks before East­er, that I received my linen in the mail and began embroi­der­ing the crop top/blouse. My won­der­ful moth­er came to my res­cue by embroi­der­ing the dark red skele­ton of the design. This part of the embroi­dery takes more time and...