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Some Alterations & Projects

My week­end began with this guy…

This guy is my some­times annoy­ing and always awe­some brother.

Some may say that you’re your own worst cri­tique. But this does not apply to me because of this guy! This guy likes to pop in and voice his opin­ion on every piece I hand­craft and he always finds some imper­fec­tion (well… what he thinks is imper­fect)!

Some crit­i­cism is con­struc­tive, but he real­ly has no idea how much prac­tice and time is required to cre­ate gar­ments or do alter­ations! So this week­end when he had some medals to attach to his chain and alter­ations to be done, I made him do it him­self! (I  sup­plied the tools and showed him the steps.)

Oh boy…it was hilar­i­ous watch­ing him! At one point, I had to dodge from all the met­al rings that were fly­ing from his pliers!

After 40 mins (the sec­ond time around), I final­ly gave in and fin­ished the job for him! I think he’ll have a lit­tle more respect for the craft of jew­el­ry mak­ing and sewing now 🙂

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I also spent the week­end (& week) work­ing on alter­ations & cus­tom orders.

I began recon­struct­ing a foot­ball jersey.

(And it required lots and lots of seam ripping!!!)

Replaced zip­pers in jackets

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