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Blue Plaid Pleated Girls Dress

(Writ­ten Fall 2018. Post­ed late on the blog.) 
One of the prep­py and fall dress­es fea­tured in the Pic­co­las by Ana­gras­si­a’s Fron­tier Col­lec­tion is the blue plaid jumper. The dress is made with a medi­um weight 100% cot­ton flan­nel tex­tile and back wood­en but­tons. The dress is great for fall and win­ter when paired with with a tur­tle neck, blouse, or Ana­gras­sia lace leo­tard. The drop waist and pleat­ed skirt also makes it the per­fect back-to-school dress for stu­dents or School Pho­tos Day.
Shop the navy plaid frock here: Blue Plaid Pleat­ed Girls Dress
The Fron­tier Col­lec­tion is an intro­duc­to­ry line, mean­ing there are lim­it­ed pieces sold and the first col­lec­tion pieces are hand­made by Mary Grace God­frey in the Ana­gras­sia Ate­lier. (Prices may increase in the future.) 
Items will ship out in 1–3 weeks. Please con­tact Mary Grace if you need a piece ear­li­er than 3 weeks. 
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