Le Velvet Smoking Jacket: Gomez Addams & Chirp Thing

Black Maroon Velvet Smoking Jacket Gomez Addams Family Lace Dress

Black Maroon Velvet Smoking Jacket Gomez Addams Family Lace Dress 238 Folkwear

We all know the most inter­est­ing man in the world drinks Dos Equis, but do you know what he wears? It’s a shame smok­ing jack­ets are no longer pop­u­lar and rarely seen on men today. These mid thigh-length vel­vet & silk robes are bad ass!  Just imag­ine how lux­u­ri­ous & relax­ing life would be if men wore smok­ing jack­ets dur­ing their morn­ing cof­fee or evening read­ing by the fire. Per­haps, that’s an unre­al­is­tic expec­ta­tion since we’re accus­tomed to our fast lives and easy-wash gar­ments. But heck, who knows — maybe they’ll make a come back!

Black Maroon Velvet Smoking Jacket Gomez Addams family 238 Folkwear

For over a year now, I’ve want­ed to make one of these sophis­ti­cat­ed throw­backs. I’ve pro­cras­ti­nat­ed because of the high cost of vel­vet and my lack of a vel­vet board. But final­ly after stum­bling upon some clear­ance vel­vet & a sewing con­test, I was final­ly pushed to make the jacket!

Gomez Addams Smoking Jacket

Gomez from Addams Family

I’m enter­ing it into an “Inspired by the Movies” con­test. The movie char­ac­ter that inspired my jack­et was Gomez from the Addams Fam­i­ly. I almost chose a sol­id col­ored vel­vet to make a jack­et inspired by Ebenez­er Scrooge, but I decid­ed on Gomez since I had a plas­ter hand that looked sim­i­lar to Thing the creepy but help­ful char­ac­ter who popped out of box­es through­out the Addams Fam­i­ly home – wish that he could help me with my sewing projects!

E scroog

I used Folk­wear’s smok­ing jack­et pat­tern. I orig­i­nal­ly bought lin­ing for the jack­et, even though the pat­tern did­n’t call for it.  But since I couldn’t afford to spend too much time on this project, I skipped the lin­ing and fol­lowed the direc­tions as they were written.

I used the largest size offered by the pat­tern. I did­n’t make any mock-ups to test the fit pri­or to cut­ting the vel­vet. I think the largest jack­et fits fine, but if I had test­ed the fit ahead of time I would’ve made the arm­holes larg­er. (I hope my broth­er does­n’t grow!)

Black Maroon Velvet Smoking Jacket Gomez Addams Family 238 Folkwear

The jack­et is made with a dark pais­ley print vel­vet and accent­ed with black vel­vet in the col­lar, lapels & cuffs and maroon vel­vet in the under­arms and belt.

black smoking jacket and long black lace dress 238 Folkwear
Addams Fam­i­ly

Here I am pos­ing as Mor­ti­cia Addams. My design aes­thet­ic is not dark, but I had fun pos­ing for this Addams Fam­i­ly photo!

I also made my black lace over­lay dress (two years ago)!

Black Maroon Velvet Smoking Jacket Gomez Addams Family Lace Dress

Why do I own a plas­ter hand? Where did I get the hand? Who’s hand is it?

The hand is a mold of my broth­er’s hand doing the Ball State “chirp.” The “chirp” is beak and feath­ers you cre­ate with your hands dur­ing 3rd down sit­u­a­tions at Ball State foot­ball games.

This “Chirp”  Thing was a gift to my mom from my sis­ter. If you know my mom, you can see how per­fect this gift was for her!

And it was per­fect for the pho­to too!

Black Maroon Velvet Smoking Jacket Gomez Addams Family 238 Folkwear

I was remind­ed of my grade school days mak­ing friend­ship bracelets when I made the belt loops.

Belt Loop Instructions

Belt Loop Instructions

knot loops Velvet Smoking Jacket Gomez Addams Family

knot loops Velvet Smoking Jacket Gomez Addams Family

knot loops Velvet Smoking Jacket Gomez Addams Family

Would I make this vel­vet jack­et again?

I wish men still wore these jack­ets, but I don’t nec­es­sar­i­ly want to be the seam­stress mak­ing them. Vel­vet is a pain to sew. It takes a long time to sew because it requires lots and lots of pins and baste so that the vel­vet does­n’t move.

So I have no desire to make anoth­er vel­vet smok­ing jack­et unless the buy­er real­ly wants one and is will­ing to pay me what its worth – you are forewarned 🙂

Black Maroon Velvet Smoking Jacket Gomez Addams Family 238 Folkwear

velvet smoking jacket john

Black Maroon Velvet Smoking Jacket Gomez Addams Family

Black Maroon Velvet Smoking Jacket Gomez Addams Family

Thing Addams Family

Thing approves!

3 thoughts on “Le Velvet Smoking Jacket: Gomez Addams & Chirp Thing

  1. tracy

    I love it! I found a vin­tage smok­ing jack­et at a thrift store and scooped it up. I wear it with jeans some­times and my hub­by wore it for Hal­loween one year. Yours is gorgeous.


    1. marusya

      Thanks Tra­cy! It’s nice you scooped one up! I believe they’re hard to find these days!


  2. peta

    i have FOREVER been try­ing to find my girl­friend gomez’s smok­ing jack­et!! we are both in love with his out­fits and this jack­et is our favourite. but alas, i can­not sew… 🙁 yours is BEAUTIFUL!!! honestly…what price would you accept to make another?!?!


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