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Flower Girl Dresses: #5810 Ivory Alencon Lace Leotards and Tulle Skirts for Fall or Winter Weddings

Alencon ivory white lace leotard bridal wedding flower girl dress

~Of all the laces I have in stock, this #5810 IVORY alen­con lace is favorite!


~ Please read WINTER 2015 FLOWER GIRL & 2015 Spring Flower Girl Dress­es posts to learn more about the dresses.

~ This blog post show­cas­es the Ivory #5810 lace leotard.

If you want the cur­rent lace & dress options, please email me at I will send you a Pay­pal invoice when you’re ready to order!

~ Please read FAQ’s on the new Ana­gras­sia web­site homepage

~My flower girl dress­es are leo­tards + very poofy tulle skirts. (They are basi­cal­ly mini ball gown dress­es.) The skirts have 13–15 lay­ers of tulle and take a large amount of time and mate­ri­als to make. (They are not the skirts that have tulle tied around an elas­tic waist­band.) Skirt prices vary depend­ing on the length of the skirt.

~ #581o WHITE alen­con lace now in stock

Gigi (Above) is wearing:

~IVORY #5810 alen­con Lace leo­tard with #5 CREAM lining

~CHAMPAGNE TONED skirt with CHAMPAGNE satin sash

Please note she wears her skirt fre­quent­ly and it has seen bet­ter days 🙂

Also, her skirt has 3–4 less lay­ers than the skirts I nor­mal­ly make and sell.

#5810 IVORY Alen­con Lace with CREAM Lining

Unlined Long Sleeves



#5810 IVORY Alen­con Lace with CREAM Lining

Unlined Long Sleeves


#5810 IVORY Alen­con Lace with IVORY lining

Unlined Short Sleeves

(IVORY Tulle Skirt and IVORY sash)

The skirt is sold with the sash attached so that the sash does’t slip dur­ing the mass/ceremony/reception. You can eas­i­ly remove the sash if need be.

Best Sum­mer. I will miss these girls togeth­er! <3

Please con­tact me if you’re inter­est­ed in order­ing a leo­tard! Remem­ber that the price of the leo­tard will increase this fall!

Thanks for reading!

~Mary Grace “Marusya”

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